You may have heard that Elizabeth Seckman and Tammy Theriault were mad enough to join me in forming Charlie's Scribes, our new, free service to help weary writers in times of blog fog.
(Full details here.)
Well our word-fighting boutique is well and truly open.
Our first blogger in need of Blog Fog removal was PK Hrezo and today we welcome Michelle Wallace, of Writer-in-Transit.
She has a big announcement ... and asked Charlie's Scribes to help...
Yes, I feel sorry for Michelle, too :)
(Tammy whispers while Liz whimpers at some old Twitter posts she hasn't favorite yet...)
I look back at Tammy...
What do you mean our post has a runaway elephant and a strange picture of Liz, you... and I'm dressed as Shrek?
If you want to read all about our latest adventure, click HERE
Thanks Michelle for her Dances-with-Elephants (while we escaped) moves... and for this awesome backstage badge/pass :)
And finally, as Sergeant Phil Esterhaus from Hill Street Blues always said: "Hey, let's be careful out there."
(Hitches grass skirt) Folks, if you know someone who needs Charlie's Scribes (Latin Motto: "Tu snooze liqueat"), please don't hesitate to contact us at *
*We have a cleaning lady who stops by every few weeks, so we *will* get the message!
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Charlie's Scribes; Liz Seckman; Tammy Theriault,
Charlie's Scribes' first client: PK Hrezo :)
A few weeks ago, I joined Elizabeth Seckman and Tammy Theriault in announcing the formation of Charlie's Scribes, our new, free service to help weary writers in times of blog fog. (Full details here.)
We are proud to announce our firstvictim, er, client is PK Hrezo who
asked if the Scribes could create a post “on creative blogging with tips and
suggestions or examples.”
You betcha!
The full post is here and we thank PK for being brave enough to be our literary guinea pig.
If you know someone who could use the help of Charlie's Scribes, don't forget to contact us at
Someone will get back to you.
No, they will.
Super promise.
A few weeks ago, I joined Elizabeth Seckman and Tammy Theriault in announcing the formation of Charlie's Scribes, our new, free service to help weary writers in times of blog fog. (Full details here.)
We are proud to announce our first
You betcha!
The full post is here and we thank PK for being brave enough to be our literary guinea pig.
If you know someone who could use the help of Charlie's Scribes, don't forget to contact us at
Someone will get back to you.
No, they will.
Super promise.
Monday, February 17, 2014
Al Diaz; Lord Of The Clones; Dance-Off,
Alex J. Cavanaugh
Part 2: Lord of the Clones (written/created by Al Diaz)
Written and created by Al Diaz, Lord of the Clones is an original comic strip "starring" me as Lord Baldernot and Alex J. Cavanaugh as The Dude in the Black Jammies.
The artwork is truly amazing and worthy of a comparison to anything Marvel releases.
If you missed the earlier fun, here is Part One.
From Al:
For those following the ongoing saga, Father Dragon’s “Lord of the Clones” Part Two goes live today.
Written and created by Al Diaz, Lord of the Clones is an original comic strip "starring" me as Lord Baldernot and Alex J. Cavanaugh as The Dude in the Black Jammies.
The artwork is truly amazing and worthy of a comparison to anything Marvel releases.
If you missed the earlier fun, here is Part One.
The Lord of the Clones, Part 2.
“The Dragon Cave is getting hot, and they haven’t started singing yet.
Lord Baldernot is out to pick up a fight with Ninja Cloner, and his persuasion methods never fail.
A steaming confrontation awaits all and all will be revealed: Monday the 17th.
I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed putting it together.”
*THANKS* Al, and to read Part Two, click HERE.
*THANKS* Al, and to read Part Two, click HERE.
Friday, February 14, 2014
Al Diaz; Lord Of The Clones; Dance-Off,
Alex J. Cavanaugh
Lord of the Clones: Part TWO.... This Monday :)
From Al:
I have no doubt this is going to be
as awesome as Part One! (Thanks again, Al :)
Several minutes pass… as Lord B tries not to wig out in frustration.
OK, give me the replacement gauntlets.
(There you go, O Shiny One.)
I’m super excited to share the news
that Father Dragon’s “Lord of the Clones” Part Two will go live this Monday,
Feb. 17.
If you missed the fun first time
around, click here to see LOTC Part One, an amazing Comic Strip written and
created by Al Diaz.
Lord of the Clones, Part 2.
Alex J. Cavanaugh and Mark Koopmans
Dragon Cave is getting hot, and they haven’t started singing yet.
Baldernot is out to pick up a fight with Ninja Cloner, and his persuasion
methods never fail.
steaming confrontation awaits all and all will be revealed: Monday the 17th.
hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed putting it together.”
By the way, the Dude in the Black Jammies needs
to take a chill pill and accept that Lord Baldernot and his Shine will never be
darkened by clones.
Hmm, you know what... My gauntlet, I need my gauntlet!
Fetch me my gauntlet, Sally!
B… Hi, this is Hairy. I still haven’t met Sally, but there’s a bigger problem.
We can’t find the official gauntlet…you already dropped it somewhere, I believe.)
But I need my gauntlet… What are my options?
Really? I am Lord of all Balderville,
and this is what you offer me?
shoulders… )
Now, hear me, Dude in the Black
Jammies. Hear me and fear me. Fear Lord Baldernot as I
throw down these soft, blue knitted mittens.
Bring. It. On.
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Alex J. Cavanaugh,
Grass Skirt
The REVEAL: Coconut Bra and Grass Skirt...
Several weeks ago, El Capitan Alejandro de los Cavanaughs participated in Jamie Ayres' "18 Truths" blog hop where players offered three scenarios.
Two truths, one lie - and readers had to guess correctly.
Looking over Alex's three options here, it was an Absolute. No. Brainer.
I guessed incorrectly.
Of course.
I have no hair, and now apparently, I have no brains.
But, dang nab it!!!
(Gnashes teeth)
I was *so* sure that I nailed the right answer that I said (via comments and in a moment of Kona coffee-inspired bravado) that I would, if proved wrong, take and post a picture of me wearing a grass skirt...
Here then is the reveal of the grass skirt.
The coconut bra is a freebie, 'cos if I'm having my picture taken wearing this horrendous attire, I may as well go down in flames - if not in style.
Several weeks ago, El Capitan Alejandro de los Cavanaughs participated in Jamie Ayres' "18 Truths" blog hop where players offered three scenarios.
Two truths, one lie - and readers had to guess correctly.
Looking over Alex's three options here, it was an Absolute. No. Brainer.
I guessed incorrectly.
Of course.
I have no hair, and now apparently, I have no brains.
But, dang nab it!!!
(Gnashes teeth)
I was *so* sure that I nailed the right answer that I said (via comments and in a moment of Kona coffee-inspired bravado) that I would, if proved wrong, take and post a picture of me wearing a grass skirt...
Here then is the reveal of the grass skirt.
The coconut bra is a freebie, 'cos if I'm having my picture taken wearing this horrendous attire, I may as well go down in flames - if not in style.
But, Mark... when will the picture be taken? When will it be posted??
That my friends is the 64,000 bitcoin question... and I am gathering the much-needed Dutch courage (and hoping to find an empty beach....)
Watch this space... and all will - sadly - be revealed :)
PS.... is it just me, or does the grass skirt have a smirk on its face?
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Charlie's Scribes; Liz Seckman; Tammy Theriault
IWSG - Got Blog Fog? Call Charlie's Scribes: "You Snooze, We Muse"
Yes, it’s IWSG time again, so thanks as always to Alex J. Cavanaugh, aka >>> The Dude in the Black Jammies <<< who founded the Insecure Writers Support Group.
("Yes, hi, everyone. My name is Mark and I'm a Trash Talker..."
"Hi, Mark.")
This month, I'm joining Elizabeth Seckman and Tammy Theriault in a special announcement.
("Take it away, girls, oh, and me, too.")
Ever felt so blogged down you feel you’re gonna drown?
And, by gosh, we are here to help!
If you have a need, we can do the
deed – with speed.
Have you ever mused over your lost muse – and wondered, “Is
she coming back?”
Ever needed a break – after yet another epic fail?
Ever felt so blogged down you feel you’re gonna drown?
Ever yearned to relearn that writeous feeling of fingers
flying and keyboards smoking? (Or need an extra hour in the week to crack that
We may not be professional Hula dancers,
but we know what you’re feeling!
Charlie's Scribes is a new (and say it loud and proud, people) FREE service featuring
the angelic smiles of Mark Koopmans, Elizabeth Seckman and Tammy Theriault.
The professional women of Charlie’s Scribes (and Mark, too) have
only one goal: To fight writer's block, writer’s overload, and the need for
some vacay time by filling empty post slots throughout the blogosphere with our
charm, wit, and Mark’s Hula skills. You’ll be amazed – or your next post is
At Charlie’s Scribes, our motto is “You Snooze, We Muse.” To begin, our free services will focus
on guest posting for people on vacation or anyone needing a bloggy break. (E.g.
we’ll send over the completed post or polished interview, you schedule and
we’ll manage the comments on Post Day and P-Day+1.)
Charlie’s Scribes are the chocolate to your sweet tooth. We are the filler to
the soon-to-be cavity. And best of all, we are the wig to Mark's shiny lovable
(If you don’t need us now – that’s okay. Feel
free to print this page and pin it to your fridge next to those other emergency
contact numbers.)
And now for some awesome fine print
in 12-point Times New Roman.
as a fun, pay-it-forward endeavor, the Scribes will, at first, focus on only
one project at a time.
are on a first write, first served basis. The more time we have to be funny,
the wittier we are. (Mark often requires a ten-year lead-in time.)
All Charlie’s
Scribes posts will be light, fluffy and non-pasteurized. No meaning of life
posts will be considered, written or submitted (for fear of blood seeping from
the Scribes’ eyes.)
for specific topics are encouraged, but please note who you are dealing with. (Seriously!)
the Scribes continue to get along (and not have a strong, adverse desire to build
a voodoo doll of other Scribes,) co-hosted Cover Reveals/ Book Launches and
more free services may be added.
Suggestions? Please reply via comments and one of the Scribes will reply within
364 business days.
Request Line for Charlie’s Scribes
help is now OPEN and all requests should be made to
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Al Diaz; Lord Of The Clones; Dance-Off,
Alex J. Cavanaugh
Father Dragon's Lord of the Clones - The Challenge
If you haven't had the chance to see Father Dragon's amazing new Musical, Lord of the Clones - The Challenge, you really should stop on by.
Our friend, Al Diaz, put some serious time and effort and it absolutely shows in the sheen of my baldness :)
Part 1 is up now, and the link is here.
From Father Dragon:
"The Cave's changed. I hear it in the kitchen. I taste it in the mead. I smell it in the air. The Dwarves are dragonless and bored. We shall go out and make some trouble." Tassin, leader of the DCS.
Ninja Cloner
Alex J. Cavanaugh
Lord Baldernot (He Who Must Not Be Shaved)
Mark Koopmans
Lord Baldernot's Hair Knitters
Tassin, father of Sessin; Sessin, son of Tassin; Pancholin, grandson of Manolin and Milin, son of Carmelita
Special appearance of S.A.M. the Ninja Muse
Written by S.A.M and the DCS.
Produced and Directed by: the DCS.
***The Lord of the Clones, the Musical, is brought to you by Father Dragon (it's his cave) and his amazing and MOST creative dwarves (that's us!). Actors will be paid in gummy bears, except the clones. Dwarves have Ninja Insurance with unlimited Ninja Responsibility. That's in case we have to pay S.A.M a ransom to let Alex go at the end of the show. Legal claims, it's all S.A.M.'s fault. Take her!
Thanks, Father Dragon and all I can say is the Dude in the Black Jammies is goin' down!!!
If you haven't had the chance to see Father Dragon's amazing new Musical, Lord of the Clones - The Challenge, you really should stop on by.
Our friend, Al Diaz, put some serious time and effort and it absolutely shows in the sheen of my baldness :)
Part 1 is up now, and the link is here.
From Father Dragon:
"The Cave's changed. I hear it in the kitchen. I taste it in the mead. I smell it in the air. The Dwarves are dragonless and bored. We shall go out and make some trouble." Tassin, leader of the DCS.
Ninja Cloner
Alex J. Cavanaugh
Lord Baldernot (He Who Must Not Be Shaved)
Mark Koopmans
Lord Baldernot's Hair Knitters
Tassin, father of Sessin; Sessin, son of Tassin; Pancholin, grandson of Manolin and Milin, son of Carmelita
Special appearance of S.A.M. the Ninja Muse
Written by S.A.M and the DCS.
Produced and Directed by: the DCS.
***The Lord of the Clones, the Musical, is brought to you by Father Dragon (it's his cave) and his amazing and MOST creative dwarves (that's us!). Actors will be paid in gummy bears, except the clones. Dwarves have Ninja Insurance with unlimited Ninja Responsibility. That's in case we have to pay S.A.M a ransom to let Alex go at the end of the show. Legal claims, it's all S.A.M.'s fault. Take her!
Thanks, Father Dragon and all I can say is the Dude in the Black Jammies is goin' down!!!
Monday, February 3, 2014
Elizabeth Seckman,
Guest Interview; Tammy Theriault
Elizabeth Seckman Interview - Fate Intended
My cyberTwin, Elizabeth Seckman, is in charge today...
Long ago, in a conglomeration of our own twisted eTwinny, Mr. Koopmans, invited me to his blog for a character interview to promote my new release- Fate Intended (which is an awesome read BTW, just ask my mom)
The role of Mark will be played by Koopmans, and some vagrant wearing a Speedo. Oh wait, seems that was Mark too.
The role of Elizabeth will be played by myself. I even did my own stunts, thank you much.
ELIZABETH: That’s ridiculous. He’s too tall to fit in my biggest purse. I’ll admit to smuggling candy bars into theaters, but that’s it!
TRIP: Fine. Frank, I can give him the immigrant challenge.
My cyberTwin, Elizabeth Seckman, is in charge today...
Long ago, in a conglomeration of our own twisted eTwinny, Mr. Koopmans, invited me to his blog for a character interview to promote my new release- Fate Intended (which is an awesome read BTW, just ask my mom)
I told Mark that Tammy Theriault was my fabulous beta reader and would he mind if I asked her to make it a threesome.
Geesh. I'm shocked. And a little disgusted. A three way interview where Tammy plays the part of Trip and Frankie, two very hot covert agents from the book...the one I'm pimping here today.
So, without further ado~
The role of covert agents, Frankie and Trip, will be played by Tammy Theriault
The role of Mark will be played by Koopmans, and some vagrant wearing a Speedo. Oh wait, seems that was Mark too.
The role of Elizabeth will be played by myself. I even did my own stunts, thank you much.
TRIP: Welcome to the Green Interrogation Room, Mr. Koopmans; Mrs. Seckman.
FRANKIE: We are here to conduct a very thorough investigation.
TRIP: Welcome to the Green Interrogation Room, Mr. Koopmans; Mrs. Seckman.
FRANKIE: We are here to conduct a very thorough investigation.
TRIP: How thorough are we doing this? Latex gloves thorough?
*Frankie nods*
TRIP: Are either of you allergic to Latex?
MARK: Latex never bothers me unless it’s an all-body outfit ‘cos then I may get a wedgie – but allergic, no.
ELIZABETH: Latex? Seriously? Well, since Mark isn’t allergic, I suggest you start with him. Hope you enjoy the view from under the bus cyber brother!
TRIP: You two seem very…clean. Maybe a little too clean. That worries me.
MARK: I blame my obsession with cleanliness on my cyber twin, Liz. She was always a neat-nut when we were growing up in West Cyberville. Also, I must tell you, I was happy when you brought out the gloves. She likes that.
ELIZABETH: Um, Mark either you're confused or you're an imposter! Anyone else notice his uncanny resemblance to Mr. Clean? Just sayin’.
FRANKIE: I want you two to sit down, and shut up! Let’s get this interview over! Trip, tell them why they’re here.
MARK: My, my eTwinny, I see your taste in men-friends is like my hairline—it hasn’t gotten better with age.
ELIZABETH: Hey, I just wrote them. I can’t be blamed for that, can I?
TRIP: *Pulls out paper from back pocket* In my hand, I have incriminating evidence that you, Mr. Koopmans, were smuggled to the U.S. by the very vivacious Mrs. Seckman. The evidence is *opens paper* butter, sugar, flour, and jelly. Oh, that’s from my wife.
MARK: Hey, I watched a commercial for Court TV once. If the oven glove doesn’t fit, you must acquit, right?
ELIZABETH: Totally right, cyber brother.
FRANKIE: Shut it! So Trip…is Jane making you cookies again?
TRIP: Yep. Still on my honeymoon.
FRANKIE: Nice! *shakes head* Back to the questions! What kind of cookies, if you really are American, can you make with butter, sugar, and flour, Mr. Koopmans?
MARK: Ouch, and I’m the crook, er, cook on my side of the family. This hurts. Well, I have no idea and seeing as I left my computery stuff at home, I can’t look it up on WikiPIEdia.
TRIP: So…Elizabeth, if you were wearing an apron, a small apron fitting your frame just right…would I need to bring over the *looks at paper* jelly?
ELIZABETH: After four kids, I'd suggest you bring a blind fold.
FRANKIE: *smacks Trip’s arm* Dang it! Wrong paper. Again! Look lady, we know you smuggled him in! How did you do it?
MARK: Latex never bothers me unless it’s an all-body outfit ‘cos then I may get a wedgie – but allergic, no.
ELIZABETH: Latex? Seriously? Well, since Mark isn’t allergic, I suggest you start with him. Hope you enjoy the view from under the bus cyber brother!
TRIP: You two seem very…clean. Maybe a little too clean. That worries me.
MARK: I blame my obsession with cleanliness on my cyber twin, Liz. She was always a neat-nut when we were growing up in West Cyberville. Also, I must tell you, I was happy when you brought out the gloves. She likes that.
ELIZABETH: Um, Mark either you're confused or you're an imposter! Anyone else notice his uncanny resemblance to Mr. Clean? Just sayin’.
FRANKIE: I want you two to sit down, and shut up! Let’s get this interview over! Trip, tell them why they’re here.
MARK: My, my eTwinny, I see your taste in men-friends is like my hairline—it hasn’t gotten better with age.
ELIZABETH: Hey, I just wrote them. I can’t be blamed for that, can I?
TRIP: *Pulls out paper from back pocket* In my hand, I have incriminating evidence that you, Mr. Koopmans, were smuggled to the U.S. by the very vivacious Mrs. Seckman. The evidence is *opens paper* butter, sugar, flour, and jelly. Oh, that’s from my wife.
MARK: Hey, I watched a commercial for Court TV once. If the oven glove doesn’t fit, you must acquit, right?
ELIZABETH: Totally right, cyber brother.
FRANKIE: Shut it! So Trip…is Jane making you cookies again?
TRIP: Yep. Still on my honeymoon.
FRANKIE: Nice! *shakes head* Back to the questions! What kind of cookies, if you really are American, can you make with butter, sugar, and flour, Mr. Koopmans?
MARK: Ouch, and I’m the crook, er, cook on my side of the family. This hurts. Well, I have no idea and seeing as I left my computery stuff at home, I can’t look it up on WikiPIEdia.
TRIP: So…Elizabeth, if you were wearing an apron, a small apron fitting your frame just right…would I need to bring over the *looks at paper* jelly?
ELIZABETH: After four kids, I'd suggest you bring a blind fold.
FRANKIE: *smacks Trip’s arm* Dang it! Wrong paper. Again! Look lady, we know you smuggled him in! How did you do it?
ELIZABETH: That’s ridiculous. He’s too tall to fit in my biggest purse. I’ll admit to smuggling candy bars into theaters, but that’s it!
TRIP: Fine. Frank, I can give him the immigrant challenge.
*Frankie nods*
TRIP: I have three questions for you, Mr. Koopmans. What color is a green card, what color is this green room, and what color is a green shamrock from the green hills of Ireland where a green, white, and orange flag waves?
MARK: My green card was grey. By the way, Trip, it sounds like you’re a wee bit jealous, dare I say, green with jealousy over things that happen in the Emerald Isle. Has Frankie messed with your Lucky Charms lately?
TRIP: *turns to Frankie* I got nothing.
TRIP: Crap.
FRANKIE: It’s another one. *runs hand through hair* Okay, last question if you ever want to see your family or friends again. Are Lucky Charms REALLY magically delicious, or do you Irish folk have us fooled?
MARK: Consider this…the elixir of cereal otherwise known as Lucky Charms is not available for sale in Ireland, so who’s fooling who? Hmm?
ELIZABETH: *Turns and grabs Mark* I didn’t write these guys to be this sloppy!! Or so Lucky Charms ignorant. They’re imposters! Run!!!
Fate Intended is the third book in the Coulter Men Series. Trip is the last of the Coulter sons to find love. He’s a handsome man with all the skills a young spy needs to succeed. But when it comes to love, he misses the target. Jane is a sweet beauty who may or may not be wanted for murder. She’s hiding out as a cleaning lady when chance brings her and Trip together. It looks like a happily ever after is in the cross hairs until reality tries to destroy what fate has intended.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
MARK: My green card was grey. By the way, Trip, it sounds like you’re a wee bit jealous, dare I say, green with jealousy over things that happen in the Emerald Isle. Has Frankie messed with your Lucky Charms lately?
TRIP: *turns to Frankie* I got nothing.
TRIP: Crap.
FRANKIE: It’s another one. *runs hand through hair* Okay, last question if you ever want to see your family or friends again. Are Lucky Charms REALLY magically delicious, or do you Irish folk have us fooled?
MARK: Consider this…the elixir of cereal otherwise known as Lucky Charms is not available for sale in Ireland, so who’s fooling who? Hmm?
ELIZABETH: *Turns and grabs Mark* I didn’t write these guys to be this sloppy!! Or so Lucky Charms ignorant. They’re imposters! Run!!!

Elizabeth Seckman is a simple chick with a simple dream…to write stories people want to read.
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