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Wednesday, August 26, 2015 13 comments

10-Week Checkup: REVIVAL is healthy & growing!


With less than ten weeks to go, things are surprisingly sane in my little cranium that could (but frequently procrastinates.)

Edits are done, pictures are submitted and the memoir, REVIVAL will be released Nov. 3, 2015.

Huge thank you to everyone who's reached out with offers of help and support. I feel all warm and gooey inside, (although that may be a medical issue I need to address at a later date.)

If I haven't already been in contact, I will have my people Snapchat your people, and we'll Facebook on Skype on how to best chat on Twitter. (Sorry, I have no interest in Pinterest.)

Or, I'll send you an email.

(How quaint that sounds these days :)

And, finally, thanks to Lisa Buie-Collard for sending this over some time ago:

Have a great week, everyone, and this week's tip: Remember your grammar.

I'm serious, y'all :)

Wednesday, August 12, 2015 24 comments

"You Know You're A Parent When..." - The Return


When my hair was long and my stomach less stout, I once ran a on-off series with a kick-ass acronym  called "YKYAPW."
Normal people called it: “You Know You’re A Parent When…”

"I'm telling you, they have a seal attraction here, somewhere..."

The other day, I found a whole Ziplok bag of scribbled notes, things I’d obviously meant to use, but how deliciously ironic that I saved the notes, but lost the darn bag...

Here then are some long-lost thoughts (and random pics) from a parent who once imagined it would be so easy to “write from home” while raising three boys (then under six.)

YKYAPW you're old enough for the Special Wristband :)

You know you’re a parent when…

  • ...The toddler throws a bowl in your general direction, demanding "More Goldfish!" The Dawn of Attitude has arrived...
  • ...You (easily) keep a straight face when a worried 4-year-old devours, nay, inhales three dairy snacks and then asks worriedly, "And I won't turn into a cheese stick?"
  • "No, for real, I know the seals swim in here. We can't miss them..."
  • ... There's so MUCH crap, er, lasting childhood memories laying around, stuff that can "Never, ever be thrown away. I love them, I love them all, Papa!" Old Christmas cards, discarded McDonalds' CrackMeal toys, ripped books. The house will never be free of branded giveaways unless "Kids!! Time Capsule-making time!" Boxes are quickly filled, sealed (and given to the adult children starting in about 15 years.) OCD relaxes... (PS...Don't tell, I have 36 Time Capsules already :)
  • And finally... you try to vacuum the messy floor quicker than three giggling boys who ignore the five-second rule and just munch off the Cheerios-filled carpet. This event is normally preceded by one child handing you an empty bowl with the words, "Here, Papa. It's empty now."
    Minor League Baseball in the sun is truly a family bonding experience...

PS: With 11 weeks before “a REVIVAL is born,” I’m seeking folks to read – and later review (in early November) – my book on their blog.
If you’re truly interested – and have the time – please let me know in the comments below.

All I’m asking – and expecting – is an honest review, so thanks in advance!

I understand this is a huge commitment, so, as they used to say in the windows of ye olde grocery store when help was needed: Serious inquiries only.

(Haha, I feel like adding, “Irish need not apply.”)

"WHEEEEE!!" said the seal as Batman looked at Batman and Batman with a smug. "See, I told you so."

Wednesday, August 5, 2015 20 comments

IWSG - All's Well That End Swell


As always, a huge thanks to Alex J. Cavanaugh, founder of IWSG and stark defender of some watery, old group called SLUSH.

This month is a pretty easy – at least when it comes to insecurities.

My first book, REVIVAL: The Donald Braswell Story, comes out in 12 weeks (or 90 sleeps) and everything seems to be going well [insert “…” and/or scary music here].

Donald Braswell

I’m a little nervous, but looking forward to holding the book in my hands for the first time.
I’m sure nothing will go wrong, but it could, and if it does, what does that mean?

Luckily, I have a great publisher [insert quick plug: Pen-L Publishing, of Fayetteville, AR] and if Duke isn’t stressed, why should I be stressed?

Deep breath… deep breath… oh dear, people are wandering by me (seat provided, in part, by Starbucks, LLC) and they’re probably wondering if I’m in labor.

I can’t be in labor, but my baby will be delivered by E-section (and paperback) November 3, so I could be suffering phantom pregnancy symptoms.

(OK, I’ve been munching a ton of Tabasco-laced Blueberry Bliss Gogurts and, please, keep all meat away from me, but the new, black yoga pants that I bought at Kohl’s, using my 30% coupon -- and my $10 Kohl's Cash® -- are very comfortable... so apart from the many run-on sentences, I don’t think there’s anything to worry about.
Gosh, what’s that smell??)

So, yeah, no insecurities here this month. Phew.

(Why am I sweating so much?)
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