Today is the “How I Miss You BlogFest.”
Here’s the premise:
Do you have a couple blogger buddies who aren’t posting as
often? Those who’ve pulled back and seem absent from the blogging world? Do you
have blogger buddies you are grateful they are still around and would miss if
they vanished? Now is your chance to show your appreciation and spotlight them!
On November 16, list one to three bloggers you really miss and one to three
bloggers you would miss if they stopped blogging. Then go leave a comment on
those blogs.
Our blogger friends are special – time to let them know!
As a simple guy, not given to outburstings of emotional
posts or cries, (kids, leave the bleedin' poor butterfly/dog/mailman/stranger alone!!!) I am going to keep this simple:
The three people I miss are:
Daina Rustin over at Mystic Treehouse (Daina was the
one of the first Bloggers to follow me who was NOT a friend or family member –
and I will always appreciate her “followship” :)
Saran Pearson over at Empty White Pages (Sarah and I
shared many a funny comment “back in the early days” and I miss her humor and
(I don’t blame her one little bit, because she gives her heart and
soul to each of her Campaigns and does so out a selfless desire to pay it
(Put it to you this way, if no-hyperlink-needed Alex ever
had a Blogging Sister, her name would be Rachael Harrie.)
Oh, there is one person I would love
never to see again… am I allowed to say that?
This "kind" person sends me a LOT of wonderful links to
various websites, and while I don’t need a new Coach bag, a cheap
alternative to Cialis, (or any another colored pills,) this blogger keeps on
trying – ahhh, God love him.
I am, of course, talking about our mutual friend, A. Non Ymous (I
think he’s a Finn, or French, or he may be Flemish.)
So, dear A. Non, if you’re out there, do feel free to stop emailing
me – 'cos if you do, I promise to send you a can of Hawaii’s favorite foods:
Courtesy: |
PS. Sorry, but I’m not going to publicly list the three Bloggers I
would miss the most...
Ha! Ha! you’re going to be the star
of the new movie: “WUSS in Boots.”
Ssshhhh now.
You’re such a Wuss that yo Mamma helps you fight out of a wet paper bag.
Can you just let me finish this, please?
Oh. OK. Sorry.
(whispers……....... Wusssss!!!)
Anyway, I can’t write a list of who I’d miss, but you know
who you are – and I thank you for your continued friendship, wisdom and support.
PS… Hope to see everyone Monday as THE BIG REVEAL goes live
at 6:01 EST J