Back from the airport, I stared out the window a few minutes ago, musing about life and the decisions we make that lead us to where we're going - or hope to go - and my current view got me thinking, so I ran over here - mas rapido.
About three years ago, I moved into a huge, 4,000 square-foot home that was terribly way too big for me, but at the time it was perfect, (at least in my head.) I had plans, you see, and the expanse of the backyard won me over with its conservation area that led to a lake I could see...sometimes (especially after hurricanes!)
I spent many, many hours staring at that quiet view, thinking it was a little slice of heaven. Then, life took one of those quirky turns, caused by many bad (and a few) good decisions of mine, and there you go, and here I am.
My new, beautiful vista overlooks part of the town and has massive and panoramic views of the calm Mediterranean. Because of its freedom, possibilities and expansiveness, I love being able to see the sea and have already planned that my ashes be one day scattered in some calm, blue waters - (hopefully not that of a freshly cleaned W.C.)
So, while I miss the tranquil view of the past, and the Sandhill Cranes that adopted me, the view from this small 600-square-foot apartment leaves me happy, fulfilled and positive about the future. Which brings me back to my musings...
I couldn't have done any of this without the love, patience and 1,000 percent support of my beyond-amazing and supportive fiancée. Not a chance. Mirjam is the keeper of my heart, and although I drive her nuts sometimes, she's been my rock throughout our relationship..
Knowing my three boys have adapted to all the changes, and that we Skype frequently means a lot, too. I can't wait to see them in the next months.
Honestly, 2018 has a ton of memories I'm happy saying adios to, but there's definitely some others that are worth keeping ahold of.
2019, however, has the potential to be a great, great year for many good reasons. We'll wait and see how it turns out, but I'm truly happy to be in love, healthy, self-employed - and sitting in my room with a view.
Merry Christmas, my love. Here's to a happy, peaceful new year - and our life together.
I love you.
Lovely, lovely news.
Hooray for dreasm fulfilled.
You've been through a lot in the past few years, but it sounds like you are finally at a place of peace and happiness. Merry Christmas!
Keep the faith, walk with God. A year is what we put into it.
Awwwwww......wasn't it that *OTHER* famous writer who wrote "El amor, como ciego que es, impide a los amantes ver las divertidas tonterías que cometen."?
To my forever person, I love you. I love us. We’re the cutest. :-)
What a lovely tribute for a challenging year, and to your love. You are blessed! Thank you for sharing this with us and Merry Christmas to you and Mirjam and the boys!!!
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