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Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Midweek Moments: Heartbeat City - The 12"-inch version


Yes, I know.

I'm pushing the 80's music, but hopefully some will remember this (and future Midweek songs) and smile at the memories.

Taken with my simple, one-push button, but *actual* camera...

Same sexy moon, this time via the camera phone (I never knew!!)

Boys: Just ask. I'll explain :)

*So* out of my OCD must-have-gas-at-all-times comfort zone!

Move #59 begins

A different kind of shopping!

Love how the cat and the pigeon can co-exist - for this moment anyway :)

A man and his busy homing pigeons...

Meanwhile, a man and a relaxed dog...

...plus a glass of Rueda...

...equals easy times for someone!


Elephant's Child said...

Some lovely photos there.
59 moves???
Ack. You are much stronger/braver than I am.

Elizabeth Seckman said...

Love the puppy! I'll have to be bugging you for an update.

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