It's called Follow Fest and here's some basic info, taken from Melissa's recent post.
Purpose: Follow Fest is a platform building opportunity for writers of all kinds.
(Think, ‘cyber meet-and-greet with social media links for business cards.’)
When: September 23rd thru 27th.
How: Create a blog post using the guide provided and sign up on the Linky list for the day you plan to post. There will be a separate Linky list for each day.
During the week of Follow Fest, visit other blogs and connect with as many writers as you wish. Enter to win prizes, too.
During the week of Follow Fest, visit other blogs and connect with as many writers as you wish. Enter to win prizes, too.
So, please make sure to save the date, I have a feeling even Oul' Gary will want to meet and get to know some new peeps :)
If I can cram it in between my blog tour dates, I'll do it.
I saw that and think it's a fun idea. I'm hoping to participate but I'll have to see because I have another posting obligation that week and I'll be at a conference for work.
Oh my gosh! That's ME up there. 0_0
Thanks for spreading the word, Mark. Really. Thank you! :)
I hope you all will sign up, but if you can't, don't fret. Not only will the bloghop run for an entire M-F week, I plan to leave the Linkies up well after Follow Fest ends.
('extensive' ...was that code for obsessively over the top? :P)
Oh my gosh, just writing that explanation deserves a prize - you go Melissa!
Will definitely check my schedule, but first I know I need a clean-up!
Sounds fun Mark! Have a great Wednesday.
Maybe I should try this one...I don't know. I have a bit of commitment phobia when it comes to blogfests :)
Fun! Thanks for the info--definitely going to sign up :)
Already signed up.
Not sure if I can but I'll take a look at the specs...
Today is one of those days I want to find a nice beach in HI and bask in the sun and play in the water. sigh...Instead I'm working 6 hours today.
Sia McKye Over Coffee
It's a GREAT idea! Too fun. Great highlight, Koop.
Will check it out.
Going to check it out, sounds like a good idea.
Seems like a cool idea, off to check it out.
Heading there now.
I'm already signed up.:-)
Sounds like an interesting idea. I will give it some thought.
Awesome idea, sounds really wonderful!
Great idea-- I need to get my virtual butt over there and sign up, methinks.
I've already told Melissa that I'll be doing this. Sounds like a good "mixer."
Yeah, Julie, methinks you should get your butt over there. :)
M.L. Swift, Writer
Mr. Mazza,
One moment....Argggghhhhhh!!!! Another blogfest! What a great idea to accumulate followers. What a great idea to embrace the ethos of a sharing, caring blogging community.
I have an idea how to get more followers. I mean I've stayed in the background far too long. Or perhaps not long enough. Anyway, I shall reveal my amazing idea on a later post that wont be worth reading.
No, I'm not really cynical. I wish your friend, Melissa, much positive interaction from this.
Yes, me old mate, I must sadly go now. Almost three thirty in the morning.
Gary :)
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