Hosted by Charity Bradford and the other wonderful writers behind Unicorn Bell, (motto: "To support the writing community by giving constructive tips and criticism through submissions,") I'm delighted to help promote this upcoming query-palooza because:
A. QueryCon is a fabulous idea - and I had so much fun participating last year.
B. QueryCon 2012 helped me "lose" one hundred words on my query (It's like Weightwatchers for a query letter - dare I nickname it Wordwatchers :)
C. QueryCon helped one of our blogging friends find a home for her book... see below :)
Direct from Unicorn Bell, here is the latest:
If one of your goals in life is to get published, we want to help all we can.
Here's HOW.
Do you remember our awesome query extravaganza from last year? You know, that three week event where we had classes on drafting and polishing the perfect query followed by a workshop week where you got to do just that? And the culmination of all that learning and hard work was a week of final queries being judged by our amazing guest judges.
You know that thing that helped match up Tara Tyler and Pop Travel with a publishing contract?
It's coming again this fall.
So finish up those edits and get ready.
More information to come, but here are a few quick reminders:
- Everyone is invited to participate in the classes and workshop
- Only finished and revised novels qualify for 3rd week final exam by our guest judges (to be announced soon as well)
How awesome sauce is that!
(I have to say I'm as excited as Alex when he gets a new shipment of Comment Borgs to help with his increased load :)
QueryCon 2013 is going to rock, and I hope you can check it out - and join the fun :)
I don't know - I'm pretty excited when the new Borgs arrive.
No finished manuscript though. Not even a started one.
I have two finished manuscripts, both are out with publishers who requested a full of one and a few chapters of the other. Unfortunately, I am far from finishing my current manuscript.
Query help is vital. I wish I would've known all this with my first novel. Of course I wish I would've had beta readers for my first novel.
Oh well, live and learn.
What a great deal! :)
Thanks a million for promoting QueryCon. I remember reading your query :)
QueryCon is an excellent idea. I need to look into this. I can't write a query to save my life but I have a reputation for helping with others and they end up getting requests. Go figure. :)
QueryCon does sound very exciting.
Great idea! I'm sure it will help many authors reach their goals.
Happy weekend, everyone.
I might have a manuscript just right for this. Thanks for sharing Mark and it sounds like loads of fun.
Query help is always appreciated. They are devils to write!
What a great idea! Queries can be as word to write as Q words are to make on a game of Scrabble!
How cool is this?!!! While I have nothing ready for this stage, I will be paying attention. Thanks for the heads up!
Querycon sounds like a nice way to trim those down! I'll look for it.
Also...thanks again for the care package! I wrote a blog about it. :)
M.L. Swift, Writer
Great post! Thanks for sharing! Goodbye! :)
Just kidding. Would I grace your site and leave such a comment? Yes I would if I was only just visiting to try and get more followers. Me, desperate for more followers. Of course not. Okay, where was I? Who are you?
A terrific concept is "QueryCon" for those wishing to query in regards to a query, query. Of course, I don't have to worry about such things but I do share your posting. I'm good like that.
Comment Borgs. Okay.
Aloha n'stuff, bruddah Mazza....
Gary :)
Ah, what fun. I've had the Unicorn Bell clan help me with a chapter or two of my novel. Love their style and wisdom.
You're awesome Mark! I hope you get requests this year. Thanks for sharing the news with everyone.
Guess what I missed when I wrote that post? We had someone else get a publishing contract last year as well as Tara. Neil Harris got picked up by MuseItUp. His novel Joshua's Tree should be out now.
What great news to hear that Query.con helped Tara Tyler get published. I've been following her blog tour.
Having a finished ms is the thing...
I believe I've been living under a rock. What a fab idea!
Oh, Mark, you are the bestest ever.
Thanks for the Query Con Shout Out coming in Sept. We are lining up the judges now. So far, we have quite a diverse bunch.
We'll be looking for you :)
Someday I'll query, but for now I'm self-publishing. Such a cool concept, too.
Fabulous events here, Mark. Having a solid query is sooooo important. Sounds like fun too. ;-)
Marking down these dates for sure!
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