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Thursday, June 20, 2013

Hi! From Hawaii: HI2 - "Eat the Street"


Welcome to the second edition of my new (picturesque) series!

Eat The Street - and not a McDonalds in sight - I'm Lovin' It :)
Called Hi! from Hawaii or HI2 for short, these posts are great for anyone seeking really bad travel tips.

You might think I’m joking, but honestly, whenever we get *there,* my three boys run amok like crazed banshee Leprechauns, so I tend to miss some (no, all) of the nuances of the place or event.

4 p.m. Setting up for Dinner at Eat the Street
Luckily, I’m not writing warm-and-fuzzy Nat Geo travel articles – and please know that HI2 will always be a free community service. (This sentence sponsored, in part, by Acme Fans of Honolulu – We’re Easy When You’re Breezy!)
Trust locals - Where there is a line, Thar be Good Eats :)
The first HI2  was here at the Honolulu Zoo and someone suggested Hanauma Bay, so that’s coming up.

Other future posts will feature the Polynesian Cultural Center, the Bishop Museum and Downtown Honolulu and that Waikiki beach thing.

Speaking of which, anyone wanting a review of the Honolulu nightlife will, I’m afraid, have to wait donkey’s years.

Have Grill - Will Cook - 'Sall good :)
(As mentioned, I go to all these places with the kids and/or the missus, so the posts are meant for a family friendly, PG-6 readership :)

Here's a Smart Chef who gets Show not Tell :)
This week’s HI2 adventure was at a free event called Eat the Street, which is like one of those “Taste Of …” foodie festivals – only here most of the vendors are Hawaiian Food Trucks so the monthly event is billed as “Hawaii’s Food Truck and Street Food Rally”.
Specially Made for a Dude Called Alex...

Organized by the folks over at Streetgrindz.com, Eat The Street takes place from 4 to 9 p.m. on the last Friday of the month.

More than forty trucks park on the outskirts of a closed parking lot (and if we weren’t close to downtown, you could almost (sort of…maybe, if you nearly closed your eyes and squinted a little to the left) get a sense of what life was like for the folks in the Wild West when they stopped to circle the wagons.
"Hey Hank, is this Utah? Are we there yet?"

 Each month is themed and each vendor comes up with their own twist. (Garlic was the flavor for May – garlic popsicle anyone?)
Garlic Popsicles 86'd by 5:30 p.m. ...wow :)

Cheese is the theme for June (that's "fromage" to you, Elise:) and I’ve heard there’ll be a cheese carving contest, which sounds like fun, especially if your name is Jerry or Mickey.)

These ROCKED - well worth the 15-min wait !!!
It *is* awesome seeing (and smelling) dozens of local, regional and international food selections – but you have to be strong-willed to walk the perimeter at least once before buying *anything.*
6 p.m.: Now you know why we brought the baby gate :)

There’s also a DJ on-site, several artists selling their wares, an information booth and even a few porta-potties and washbasins – so you don’t waste valuable eating time :)

The next Eat the Street is June 28 and the address is 555 South Street – if you’re in town.

My rating: 4 out of 5 flower leis
(stars are sooo 1990s, brah.)
Koopmans even snags a sunset picture. Score!




Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

If I'm going all the way to Hawaii, I am NOT having the Carolina pulled pork! (However I might try to smuggle some Carolina BBQ in to you.)
I could hang out there all day and eat.
Is there a charge for the crazed banshee entertainment?

Mark Koopmans said...

@Alex: C'mon now, I would *PAY* you to watch the crazed banshees for a few hours while I ate a double order of pulled pork with your BBQ sauce :)

Kyra Lennon said...

I shouldn't have looked at this while I'm hungry. My stomach is GROWLING now!

That looks like my kind of event!

S.P. Bowers said...

Man that looks good!

Ella said...

I love banshee entertainment! How fun is this and themed always brings smiles! Nicely done...I'm jealous-I'm now craving Hawaiian Shaved Ice ;D

Martin Willoughby said...

I wish they'd do that over here, sounds like fun.

p.s. Can you email me at martin (at) starfishpc (dot) co (dot) uk, so we can arrange a blog tour date for July?

mshatch said...

That sounds like an awesome event. Who doesn't like to eat?

Mark Means said...

Very cool! I didn't know that Hawaii had so many food trucks.

The grub looks great, though, and definitely an event I'd check out were I in the area.

A garlic popsicle though? No...sorry :P

Melissa said...

Oh my gosh, that looks YUMMY!
Maybe I can sneak off to HI after all...

Deanie Humphrys-Dunne said...

Oh, thanks for sharing those great pictures, Mark! I never would have imagined Garlic being a flavor of the month, but I have heard of strange things like garlic ice cream. Never been brave enough to taste it though!

Annalisa Crawford said...

What a great event! Looks so yummy I wouldn't eat for two days so I was ready for it... Is that greedy?

Morgan said...

Who on EARTH thought a garlic popsicle was a good idea???? Or even an idea?!?!?!

Freaking out.

So weird.

But... that Alex sandwich looks amazzzzzing... gah. I was once in Hawaii for 8 hours... hubs and I took a red eye, stayed the day on the beach, then flew back home the same day. It was a whirlwind!

And totally worth it.

Anonymous said...

Love em all!!!!

Boston Strong!!

M Pax said...

That looks like a lot of fun and yummy.

Elise Fallson said...

Awesome pics! And yes, I did hear angles sing when I saw the word fromage. (; GAhhhhh!! I'm so hungry right now. Midnight snack? Any pounds gained within the next ten minutes I'm blaming it on your post. Not on the hungry, sleepy girl typing this crazy comment. :P

klahanie said...

Hi Mark,

Hawaii? Or because Elise has responded here, um "comment" allez vous? Not bad, thanks and you? When I noted, "Eat the Street", I started recalling "Sidewalk Malted", ice creams.

I'm loving this tour of Hawaii. And the food, ah yes the food. Cheese and thank you for this, Mark.

And here's a big fromagey grin :) Ooh la la. Or, ooh, lei lei.

Gary :)

The Words Crafter said...

That is SO cool! I have a co-worker who hails from HI, and she's always posting pics of Hawaiian food on FB. I wonder if she's ever been to this event. Really neat you have so much culture around you. (I'm trying to smell the food!)

PS-I'm a Carolina girl and I don't like pulled pork. Don't tell Alex!

Kirsten said...

You're kidding about the garlic popsicles, right?
Otherwise it looks delicious! I'm lovin' these little corners of HI that the tourist guides don't cover.

Rachna Chhabria said...

I have just had my dinner and seeing the food made for a dude called Alex is making me hungry again.

Elizabeth Seckman said...

What an awesome event. I like your thinking...staying off the beaten path. I love mixing with the "locals" when I travel....well, until you hit the crazy bald kind...then you worry. hehe

Anonymous said...

Mahalo for coming out to our event.
Eat The Street is a monthly Food Truck Rally in Honolulu. We also do a monthly block party called Honolulu Night Market (www.honolulunightmarket.com) which still has some of our Eat The Street food trucks, but the focus is more on art, music, fashion and retail.

Eat The Street: Garlic is always one of our most popular themes (second only to BACON). And everything is delicious. Yes, even the Garlic Lemon Popcicle, and the Gartlic Icecream.

I have posted a link to your blog on our facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/streetgrindz
Mahalo for joining us, and we hope to see you again soon.

Chuco Townsend
Photographer/ Social Media Manager - Street Grindz (Eat The Street)

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Mark .. sounds a fun event and I imagine the kids love it .. lots to look at, see and smell ...

Laurel has just brought me smoked garlic from the Isle of Wight - they have huge garlic festival ... and there's garlic ice-cream I think .. I believe I'd prefer Elise's fromage one!

Actually I'd prefer your weather right now .. wet and drizzly here - recognise my description??!! Cheers Hilary

~Sia McKye~ said...

I love going to things like this! I love exploring different foods from different cultures and just good food (which leaves out McD's).

Like the pictures too! That last one is great with the evening rays behind the kid--probably the only time he was still and somewhat angelic. Hey, I was raised with boys and raised my own. He's 18 and far from angelic, lol!


Sabrina A. Fish said...

I LOVE garlic(I apologize to all my vampy friends...) and would definitely try a garlic popsicle. That looks like a foodie's dream destination.

I'm with Alex though, if I'm going to Hawaii, I do not want a pulled pork sandwich. I'm from the Southern U.S. and can get that any ol' time, darlin'!

Great pics. Thanks for sharing with us!!!

Samantha May said...

A garlic...popsicle? Okay then O_o

By the way, I 100% volunteer to find out all of the details on Hawaii's nightlife.

For the sake of informing the people, of course.


Unknown said...

are garlic pops for real?

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

You're making me hungry!!
Not so sure about the garlic popsicles though.

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