Today, I’m
participating in the And
You Are…? Blog Hop.
Hosted by Emily R. King and Tammy Theriault, the answers to the
fun questions are below, but before I bore you all to absolute tears… an

Signups to
the Cheers, Cavanaugh BlogFest are up to 113
as of Sunday evening.
There is
still time to sign up for “AlexFest,”
and remember, if we get to 200, I will
be posting a video on YouTube of me dancing the Bald White Guy Hawaiian Hula…, so come along and join the Par-tay J
details here and the Linky is posted BELOW :)
OK, so who
am I and why am I here…
1. How many speeding tickets have
you gotten?
ONE – and that was a week after I moved to
California with my then-new Mustang GT (Ahh, the memories of speed and not
listening to the latest Wiggles CDJ)
2. Can you pitch a tent?
would I pitch a tent when I’m working hard to pitch my WIP? Seriously, people.
3. What
was your worst vacation ever?
My friends would say “every vacation I was a
part of,” but I hesitate to agree. For me, it was Magaluf, Spain, 1987.
A group of
us lads were out and I was later detained (cough) by Spanish cops for “slightly exuberant activity involving a
cold, bubbly beverage.”
They kept
me downtown for hours, trying to extract a $50 “fine” from me, but that was the
rest of my money for the vacation, so I was like, no way, Jose. (He was amazed
I knew his name.)
they let me go, whereupon it took *hours* to find the white-painted hotel we were
staying at.
By the
time I entered the room, I expected to find phones ringing and faxes burping
out stacks of important-looking paper as my friends frantically worked with the
Irish Embassy and Spanish Authorities to get me back safely.
But, no.
I was the first one back. The lads were still out
partying ;)
4. What was the last thing you bought over
A Sony
Tablet two months ago – which I promptly lost on an airplane last week…
5. We're handing you the keys to
A new minivan J
(The ghost of my old Pony is snickering, but whatever, dude.)
6. What was the last meal cooked
that made even you sick?
Breakfast in Paris (1992) – it was an egg omelet
made during another “event” with a different set of The Lads.
7. Fill in the blank: Oh my gosh!
Becky, look at her butt! It is so big. She looks like _____?
Yo mamma. Sorry, Becky, but it’s
8. What was your first car?
A 1985 Pontiac Sunbird – convertible. Bought
when I lived in Key West (1996) and driven for a couple of years before I moved
to Chicago.
9. Your best friend falls and gets
hurt. Do you ask if he/she's okay or laugh first?
If it’s one of The Lads, I will always take
pictures first, post them somewhere online and then ask if he’s OK. If it’s my
wife, you know I gotta take care of The Lady first J
10. What's the worst song ever?
by Justin Berber Carpets.
As promised above, for anyone wanting to sign up, here is the Linky List for ALEXFEST :)
Jose, what a kidder. (: Oh and are you sure it was the egg omelet that made you sick? Hummm... :P
Justin Berber Carpets, love it! hahaha. Wow, your vacations sound.... interesting. Love that the boys were still out partying by the time you got back. LOL.
I'm all signed up for AlexFest, and now I really hope we hit 200! haha
Didn't expect the mini van after the vacation answer. Fun blog hop.
Sounds like those lads were nothing but trouble for you!
Hey, I had a Sunbird too. Except mine was 1987. And it wasn't a convertible because convertibles are not practical cars where I live. And you know... I've never really liked them anyways.
Wow, sounds like you and the Lads really got around! Fun blogfest, and it's good to know that I'm not the only one with no interest in Justin Bieber!
You lost your tablet!? That stinks, hopefully it shows up soon.
Everyone needs a good group of lads/ladies.
Oh, your answers made me laugh so, so hard. It's difficult to choose a favorite but I'm torn between the vacation story and your answer to #7. So Thanks for the hilarity. Too bad about your tablet though.
I thought sure I was following you already, Mark, but anyway, problem fixed.
Geez you lost your tablet already?? WHat a bummer. SOrry to hear that, but love to read about all your travels! :D
So. You have a record eh? Duly noted. Ya little law-breaker you.
Oh and so sorry about losing the tablet. I rarely splurge on myself and it would make me sick to lose something like that.
Another Bieber comment. That's hilarious. I agree by the way. :)
I love that you unabashedly proclaimed you want a minivan. Maybe Santa will bring you THAT for Christmas! :)
you so funny!
lost your tablet? sounds like my sons!
and yo momma! ha!!
What a fun fest! LOL, the Spanish vacation cracked me up, although I'm sure it wasn't funny at the time. Sorry you lost your tablet, that sounds like something I would do.
YOU WIN!!! Emily and Tammy, Mark gets the visit from Mrs. Clause...enjoy that bald man!
That sounds like quite the vacation, at least you know have a great story to tell.
Bummer about the tablet loss and the first time I read the Justin Berber Carpets I thought, instead of anything, it was annoying and was all like, hmmm, such an apt name for all of his songs!
That sounded like one heck of a vacation!
Oh to be a stalker and follow you and your lads around, Mark! Hahaha... Dyyyyying...
I bet you have many a great stories to tell, aye? Ye dinna need to be shy... tell us yer full tale, Mark! ;-)
And I WANT THE HULA FOOTAGE... Must. Get. Linky. To. 200.
I was nearly detained once by the cops for slightly exuberant activity involving alcohol...except I was completely sober. Good times!
Ouch! You bought the iPad and then lost it? So sorry.
Ugh!! That sucks about your Tablet!!
But it's an awesome vacation story. haha Sorry for laughing at your expense. :)
I had some lads and lasses in my younger days, too.
I just loaded up AlexFest. Woot!
I can't imagine you doing anything only "slightly exuberantly," Mark! Ever. ;)
Oh, no! You lost it just a couple months after buying it. I'm so sorry.
It may not be cool, but a new minivan would be my answer, too!
Sounds like you're a pretty fun guy to have on vacation! ;)
I 100% agree with this:
Why would I pitch a tent when I’m working hard to pitch my WIP? Seriously, people.
Boycotting tent pitching until further notice :)
Jose. Too funny. :D
The *keys* I'd choose would be to my own apartment. hahaha
86 more entries until Bald White Guy Hawaiian Hula! :D
You gave the best answer to the tent pitching question. Still laughing. Yes taking care of your lady is top priority. Plus she knows where you sleep. You and the lads had some adventures.
Hilarious as always Mark.
your vacay story had me laughing...i'm seeing potential here...
Re: your freezer offer, lucky for you that my freezer is really small so it shouldn't take ya too long! hehe
You're hilarious! Your friends are pretty much like my friends. If I were in the same situation that exact scenario would have played out :P
Hysterical vacation story! I can't believe they let you leave without paying.
Shannon at The Warrior Muse
Love the vacation story! You're a hoot, Mark!
We have quite a list going. Hopefully Alex will be able to catch them all. And I feel the same way you do about Pitching tents. Priorities, people! :)
Stopping by to say hi. The answer to #7 had me laughing. Have a good day.
It makes one wonder just how many different sets of "The Lads" exist...
You lost the Tablet? Oh no! Sorry to hear that...
Thanks for the entertaining answers!
lol at the answer to the tent pitching question.
I'm really happy for Alex. It will be a HUGE event.
LOL! Mark, you crack-me-up!!! I love your vacation story! bahahaha!
That sounds like an awful vacation. Wow.
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