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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Giving Thanks & One Lovely Blog Award

(Steps up to the podium in natty tux and shiny head…)


Before I get to the awards part of this post, here’s a big THANKS to everyone who commented on my recent Insecure Writer’s Support Group post.

It was awesome to see so many suggest I give myself the chill pill award and remind me it’s OK if I don’t stop by their blogs within 84.26 seconds of receiving a comment.

Also, if you’ve wondering what’s with all the GREEN on my blog…?

I’m in mourning.

Ireland, that land of my birth, was handed a 3 - 1 whuppin’ by Croatia Sunday, so I’m in the grieving process while waiting for Thursday… when we play Spain (the current WORLD CHAMPIONS… yikes!)

Anyhows, speaking of awards…. I am such a slacker, but look what I gots weeks ago J

The One Lovely Blog Award

Given by a certain loverofwords, who wrote in her blog:

“…Because of the title, I hesitated to give this to any men except Mark Koopmans who is a stay-at-home dad of three boys and who could use all the encouragement he can get…”

I was like all “aaaawwww, that’s so sweet and so I bow down in appreciation, and would ask that you please visit this loverofwords :)

The rules for One Lovely Blog Award are:

1.  Name and thank the blogger.

2.  List seven facts about yourself.

3. Award five other bloggers this award (it’s supposed to be fifteen, but WIP is callingJ)

 So, in 134 words (a la Twitter-ish), here are seven quick facts:

1.  I’m a husband and dad to three boys and love, love, love babies – but could never eat a whole one.

No Cooking Utensils Were Harmed in the Making of This Post

2.  I’m left-handed – and can’t figure out my new, (first-evah) baseball glove.

3. I finally understand hash tags (#) on Twitter (Tweet me: @markjkoopmans).

4.  I shared (with pride) a Retweet from the Football Association of Ireland with an Irish buddy. He said I’m now officially a Professional Twit.

5.  I’m a simple man who seriously writes for fun and laughs. If you want depth – visit a swimming pool.

Photo Courtesy: http://www.dutchamsterdam.nl/

6.  I lived in Amsterdam for nearly three years and never smoked a joint at any of the famous Coffee Shops such as this one :)

7.  I did, however, try my one and only joint while camping overnight in Sherwood Forest (the real one, not one of the many subdivisions (… and that story is a whole post of its own :)
The Great Oak, Sherwood Forest
(Courtesy: flickr.comphotos/j-fish)

Without any obligation, I award the One Lovely Blog Award to my five victims, er I mean Bluddies (blog buddies):

Elizabeth Seckman at Use Your Words...

Kyra Lennon at Write Here Write Now

Elise Fallson at Elise Fallson

Bonnee Crawford at The Blogging of an Aspiring Writer

Ara Grigorian at The Rookie Scrivener

Have a great weekend, everyone, and if you're following Euro '12, I hope your team wins - unless it's Spain or Italy :)


Kyra Lennon said...

Thank you very much for the award! I really need to get round to doing an awards post at some point!

I know defeating Spain sounds impossible, but stranger things have happened! I will be watching and cheering your boys on again. :D

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sorry about Ireland's loss!
Want deep, visit a swimming pool - classic!

Bonnee Crawford said...

Thanks a bajillion Mark you sweetie :D

Elise Fallson said...

OMG Sherwood Forest? Did you meet Robin Hood and his Merry Men? So jealous. (;

Thanks for the award, you're awesome. And I'll be yelling at my monitor cheering on the boys in green. (=

Stina said...

Sorry about your team's loss. Not. Okay, I'm not cheering for any teams since I'm guessing Canada isn't playing. But I'm also English (my birth country) and Finnish (my mother's birth country), so you can see where the problem lies in me cheering for Ireland. But I will secretly cheer for Ireland to cream Spain. Will that help? :D

I'm glad to hear you don't actually EAT babies. :)

running4him said...

Sorry, I am a big Spain fan!! but if Ireland wins if cool too since I am Irish after all!!))

A Daft Scots Lass said...

Sorry aboot Ireland...next time!!!

Congrats on your award.

Julie Flanders said...

Congrats on your award! I loved reading your facts and I'm glad no cooking utensils met a grim fate as a result of the post.

Good luck to the Irish against Spain! :)

M.J. Fifield said...

Sorry about Ireland's loss. It might make you feel better if you tell us the Sherwood story...

Jennie Bennett said...

I love babies too, and I'm having another boy in September, wahoo!

Leigh Covington said...

Mark, you're fabulous. I can't believe you avoided the joint smoking in Amsterdam. My word man! That's impressive. Although I look forward to the Sherwood Forest post! :)

And NEVER eat that baby! He's way too cute!

Dani said...

Holy crap! Sherwood! That is the coolest thing ever! Seeings how you missed out on meeting Rwanda guy, this is the coolest!

Congrats on the award and your bluddies!

S.P. Bowers said...

That's some powerful green. Good luck on the next match!

Oh, and I'm glad you're kitchen utensils are safe. I was a little concerned.

Elizabeth Seckman said...

Why thank you Mark!
Seriously funny stuff and I must admit, I never thought about Sherwood Forest being real.

Jessica Salyer said...

Sorry about your teams loss, but really cute baby. :)

Meradeth Houston said...

Congrats on the award! Also, just found you on twitter--yay! (And I'm sooo looking forward to the game on Thursday, though I have no idea where I'm going to be able to watch the dang thing...)

Nick Wilford said...

Congrats! As a fellow stay-at-home dad, I know we need the support!

Ah, you'll thrash Spain! (Says he who knows zilch about football...) :D

Tony Van Helsing said...

I picked Republic of Ireland in the sweepstakes at work. That's a pound I won't be seeing again.

Lara Schiffbauer said...

Babies are a two meal entree! (just kidding!) Totally adorable picture of Son #3 :)

Anonymous said...

Its great to know you a little better Mark! And I befriended you on Twitter too. And no baby cooking jokes from me. But you do know to bring them to a boil, then simmer for twelve minutes.

Martin Willoughby said...

Such a cute baby.

C'mon Ireland!

loverofwords said...

Thank you back at you! Latest Dennis Prager book: "Still the Best Hope."

Nicole said...

Haha - great, heartwarming insights as usual. Thanks for sharing those tidbits, and congrats on the award!

Anonymous said...

I seeriously saw faces in that tree in Sherwood Forest......and a monkey........ and I'm not smoking a joint.......do ya see them? please say ya do, "Im not crazy, I'm not crazy....see em? yes? please say ya do

oh how i wish i had time to set up an account....maybe tomorrow

Ara Grigorian said...

So this is what happens when I go to a Writers Conference? Ireland loses and I get an award. You are awesome. So does this mean that I have to find new victims? ;)

Since you're my Bluddie, I will not admit that I am a diehard Spain fan. I lived in Barcelona for three glorious years and it's hard to get it out of the system. Can we still be friends?


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