It may never see the light of the published day, but my WIP hits many personal hot buttons.
(As you do.)
This Work In Progress has me writing more consistently
than I've done in 4+ years. (Even more than here, in 2005, when I blagged (not blogged!) my way into my first writing gig -- and then had to bloody produce.)
My lame, scared excuses are done and even my blog is baby-back up and running. This last few weeks have been a New Beginning.
I carve out at least an hour a day for writing, bust out a 1,000+ words and the habit has formed. No need to run anymore.
So, that problem is solved, and the book will be a history of me thus far, which my boys can one day use as a source of entertainment, or a really cool door stop.
Here's the deal, though. I have a comp
letely and absolutely shitty memory.
Nothing to do with the drinking or excesses of the past. Of course not, (where's the angel emoji), but this memory issue leads to this quandary.
2005 me, trying to come up with a headline! |
All my adventures are real, but I can't remember some of the names, and for sure as shit can't recall some of the actual conversations.
I'm thinking about doing a Netflix where they begin every episode of the hit show Narcos with:
"This dramatization is based on real events. However, certain scenes, characters, names, businesses, incidents, locations and events have been fictionalized for dramatic purposes."
Instead of a memoir, I may call it a
Nov-oir. I can't prove
all the crazy, dumb and lucky things that happened to me, but they did. I was there. Promise.
What's your thoughts? I would genuinely love some honest feedback, please!
Which direction would you go? Strict memoir? Fictionalized novel? Mix of the two?