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Monday, July 28, 2014

Grammar Mistakes Made In Pubic


Having finished WIP#1, I am Knee-deep in (final) edicts right know, which is existing.

However, I'm al slow funding so many grandmar mistakes that Grammarly.com gave me a full refund -- and my own hashtag on Twitter: #LostClause.

This made me think back to many years ago, when I worked for a local newspaper in Melbourne, Fla. During my orientation, my old editor told me the horror story about the headline in our newspaper that made it past the Editorial Board, management AND the printers, resulting in thousands and thousands of newspapers that proudly announced (above the fold!!!) an upcoming City Council gathering:

       "Pubic Meeting Set For Friday"

(The headline apparently made it on the David Letteman Show, and the segment where he highlights media grammar/typo errors.)

For a bit of fun, I went out and found a few howlers... some you've probably seen, some not, but all should be a warning that we all knead too dribble chick hour wok.


Apparently with the one above, the husband asked the Wal-Mart cake maker to write "Best Wishes Suzanne" and underneath that "We will Miss you" :)

This one from Days Inn was arranged for Memorial Day earlier this year :) I was once a server and I appreciate the sentiment :)

Above, we have a pure Classic :)

These two come from The Grammar Vandal Blog!

(Their tagline: Taking it to the streets and correcting America, one comma at a time." :)


Hippy Moonday :)


Annalisa Crawford said...

I love the cake more than anything else! I vow to always write down the words I want iced onto a cake!

Anonymous said...

I love the Save Grandpa one. lol

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

There are so many mistakes in print media. I wonder how so much gets by their professional editors.

Loni Townsend said...

Hahaha, save Grandpa!

Lara Schiffbauer said...

I always, always cringe when I see photos of grammar mistakes on tatoos. :P

Mark Koopmans said...

@Lara: Oh my gosh... I forgot... I have a tat and there's a grammar mistake on it!!!

The tat is of an angry Leprechaun with the words "Fight'n Irish" underneath:)

Classic... I should have posted a pic for this post :)

In my defense.. it was 1994 and I had no clue I wanted to be a writer :)

Elephant's Child said...

Love it. And am reminded of the possibly apocrophal story about a head-line here
'The queen was the first to piss over the bridge'.
And to my shame I am a woeful copy-editor. I see what I wanted to be there - not what is.

Kelly Polark said...

These made me giggle!

Kelly Polark said...

These made me giggle!

Kelly Polark said...

These made me giggle!

Leigh Covington said...

LOL! Hilarious! Once a paper in Utah announced that "Satan" was coming to the mall for Christmas - quite the opposite of "SANTA". :) It was pretty funny and I think it made Letterman too. Funny stuff. And good luck with edits!

Lynda Dietz said...

Cakewrecks.com has an entire section devoted to wonderful cake messages like the one you've shown. It astounds me every time I see something like that.

And of course I laugh my butt off, too.

Thanks for the laugh today!

Anne Gallagher said...

On the cake Underneat is also spelled wrong.

Let's eat grandpa is funny.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

The cake one is sad.

Miranda Hardy said...

Awesome! I would have laughed had that been my cake.

M.J. Fifield said...

What a fun post!

I've seen the cake picture before, and it never fails to make me laugh.

Thanks for the laugh...and good luck with those edits.

Elizabeth Seckman said...

As the occasional hot server of breakfast, I appreciate the sentiment.

That cake one had me in tears. That's what you call taking things literally.

Dianne K. Salerni said...

That cake is just so sad!!!!
And she didn't even spell it right.

Mark Means said...

These are always good for a chuckle and also to remind us, as writers, we're not that bad....lol

LD Masterson said...

I have that "Let's eat Grandpa" one on a t-shirt (only mine says Grandma). I have actually met people who read the shirt and didn't get it.

Nicole said...

Always much funnier when they're happening to anyone besides you. ;)

Morgan said...

Hahahaha… I LOVE things like this!!!

And you were a server??? Man, I bet you got amazing tips. Seriously. With your charm and accent? It's still my goal to meet you someday, Mark. :)

Totally a fun post. Love laughing.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Mark - oh yes .. it's amazing what gets past our own eyes as you're finding out .. Love these ..

Good luck with editing et al .. cheers Hilary

Kay said...

Too funny, but I think it best you don't come to my blog because it WILL be full of grammatical errors. Sigh...

Kristin Smith said...

Oh my gosh! I haven't laughed that hard since the last time I visited your blog! I always love those grammar mistakes. Thanks for the laugh!!!

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