To celebrate the release of Annalisa Crawford's newest book, Our Beautiful Child, she's guesting at mumerous blogs today:)
For no particular reason, Annalisa thought it would be fun to answer some questions that Jackie magazine used to ask the stars of the day (the example she's found is from 1984 – and the victim was Johnny Marr from The Smiths).
(She will be answering one question on each of the random blogs taking part in today's launch!)
Question: What did you dream last night?
Annalisa's answer: I dreamt that Hubby brought a Grizzly bear home. He was 6 inches from the ceiling, and I was concerned he was going to keep growing. Hubby explained the bear would get bigger, but it was okay because he'd learn to duck.
My answer: The last dream I remember was running in a marathon, but after six hours and 26 miles, the finish line kept moving as if it was being pulled back like an elastic band... I was *so* mad!!! (weird, I know :)
Our Beautiful Child is available right now!

… so says the narrator of Our Beautiful Child. And he’s been around long enough to know.
People end up in this town almost by accident. Ella is running away from her nightmares, Sally is running away from the memories of previous boyfriends and Rona is running away from university. Each of them seek sanctuary in the 18th century pub, The Boathouse; but in fact, that’s where their troubles begin.
Ella finds love, a moment too late; Rona discovers a beautiful ability which needs refining before she gets hurt; and Sally meets the captivating Murray, who threatens to ruin everything.
Three women. Three stories. One pub.
He'd learn to duck - but of course!
Congratulations, Annalisa.
I hate those dreams where something is just out of reach. I'm often dream I'm picking something up but it keeps moving.
Thanks for sharing my book today. It's not available at this moment, but hopefully it will be soon :-/
LOL over both dreams.
Congrats, Annalisa. :)
Congrats Annalisa!
Loving all the questions! What a great idea, Annalisa! And congratulations on the release!
ALL the best Annalisa!
Huge congratulations to Annalisa. And her book is tempting me. Rather a lot.
To everyone - thank you so much! :-)
I don't think I ever encountered a grizzly bear in my sleep. Could be fun, though. Especially if it's a killer one.
Hi Mark - congratulations to Annalisa .. and now I must read some more of your posts .. seeing as I've been AWOL somewhat .. cheers Hilary
Oy - I don't like those dreams where the finish line keeps fading into the distance.
Congratulations, Annalisa!!
Flippin' heck, Sir Mazza,
How did I miss this? Anyhow, dude, I'm here now.
So good to see Annalisa and her book get featured here. And if you want a real Grizzly bear, Annalisa, I shall go back and have a chat with the one that was outside my friend's door back in British Columbia.
Congrats Annalisa, all the beast, um, all the best! :)
And Sir Mazzza dude, take care, eh!
Gary :)
Now that's a great setting and situation for a story! :)
Both of those dreams made me laugh! Although Mark, I have to say yours sounds more like a nightmare! Never reaching the finish line... WHEW! Sounds like a sick joke!
Congrats Annalisa! Your blog hop release party is fun!
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