Will Call: A popular guy at the PCC |
View from a hut in the Villages |
I absolutely *love* this place, as do the kids.
Checking out the canoes |
PCC is safe, clean and *ALL* the staff – performers
and/or retail staff are very approachable.
Neat factoid... From what I hear, seventy percent of the staff are students of the local
Brigham Young University - Hawaii, and fifty percent are on scholarships, so it's a great way to interact with young people from all over Polynesia.
No. 1 Son learns the beat of the drums |
No. 3 Son goes all mini-Godzilla near Tahiti
You can discover general info about PCC here, and find the history of the 42-acre center here, but the easiest way for me to describe the Center, which celebrates its 50th anniversary this year, is that PCC reminds me of a Polynesian EPCOT. (No. 1 Son always asks can we go to the “mini Disney.”)
PCC has a bunch of stuff going on for itself. Its evening
show, Hā: BREATH OF LIFE is amazing; plus there are several buffet-style lu’au restaurants and
an outdoor shopping area to end your visit.
Just like Tahiti above, see how high the sign is here... |
However, as we mostly go on our PCC “field tips” during the
day, I’m focusing on The Villages.
Look! Another high sign... |
There are six different Polynesian countries/islands
represented: Hawaii, Aotearoa (New Zealand), Tonga, Fiji, Samoa and Tahiti.
And, another sign up on high ground... |
Each island offers several family friendly activities, shows
and/or examples of local culture and food.
Why island signs should be placed higher... |
Yup... the Koopmans Kids strike again (sigh...:) |
Now, the one thing you simply must do, dahling, while
walking (or canoeing) around the Villages is to snag a good spot by the river
no later than 2:15 p.m. so you can relax and enjoy the daily (2:30 p.m.) canoe
pageant, which features canoes and dancers from each island.
New Friends :) |
PCC is on the North
Shore area of O’ahu and for us it takes an hour to drive from door-to-door.
Anyone want to live off this road? |
However, even the ride out there is fabulous, with winding roads that have you
sometimes only feet from the ocean.
Hawaiian guard rails... |
Should your travels ever bring you to O’ahu, a day trip to the Polynesian Cultural Center should be at, or near, the top of your to-do list.
Tree Climbing in Samoa (*highly* recommended:) |
I promise you won’t be disappointed – unless you go on a
Sunday – that’s the only day it’s closed :)
My score: PCC gets four lucky charms (out of a possible five
And, of course, any kids visiting PCC *will* sleep really well that night...
No. 2 Son decides it's time to take a break from the action |
Neat post, Mark. Looks like fun. :)
I won't go on a Sunday then!
The place looks really cool. I know my wife and I would enjoy it.
And the PCC would like to question you about a sign incident...
I've always heard amazing things about the Polynesian center. And I'm with your son. Time for a break.
Looks like a wonderful place to spend the day with the fam. And I love the pic of your sons high jacking the sign. Classic. :D
I've never been, but would LOVE to go!! The photographs are BEAUTIFUL!!!
I am jealous!!
Hey! My mom, grandma and aunts were just there not too long ago. *turns green with envy* Yeah - I actually turned green. Not a good color for me. And that pic of your kids with the letter knocked off the sign is hilarious! Mine would do the exact same thing!
Hey Montgomery, great post!
Looks like a very cool place and, sort of, reminds me of Disney :)
Looks like you guys had a lot of fun. Thanks for sharing these pics with us.
Thanks for sharing these amazing pictures. Looks like you all had a lot of fun.
Geez! Each time you post your tours around your blessed home island I feel more and more compelled to visit. It's definitively in my list now. Dragon must fly to Hawaii.
NZ is Polynesian? I didn't know that. How cool that you live near so many opps for cultural exposure! I've been in love with Polynesian culture ever since I saw The Bounty way back when.
Beautiful post :)
Sir Mazza dude,
Hey, thanks for the virtual tour of PCC. I'd love to visit such a place.
Actually, young fella', next time I'm in Vancouver, I'll take an outgoing flight to Hawaii. Gosh n'stuff, what a thought. And speaking of Tahiti, this comment will now end, because I don't wanna' Bora Bora you....
Yes, I definitely want to live off that road.
As always, I love the pictures and the captions that accompany them.
ahh love the out of the way places in Hi. Tho there are fewer - was telling a friend about Hana when you had to sail or fly in.
Nice to meet you in the blogsphere
I'm not religious, but I enjoy rich cultural experiences of any type. This looks like it would be a blast. I'll make sure this is on my tourist schedule when I get to visit Hawaii.
Hi Mark,
Just stopped by to let you know that you've won a prize for the Paying Forward Awards just because you're awesome. Congrats! Please contact me at mishagericke(AT)gmail(DOT)com to claim your prize.
What a great place to take family! I'd do that if I was ever there. :)
I want to visit. The pics are "Ah...."
I want to go back to the PCC! It was great research for my book. Thanks for sharing the pics! Your kids are adorable.
Wow, I love those Hawaiian guard rails...
Oh, I'd love to visit such a place. I like places with lots of things to see and learning something new is always fun, too. Enjoyed your pictures.
I like the idea of a quiet beach to walk on. There are some beautiful beaches in your neck of the woods erm, water. I did find a few on the big island but then there are some tent cities around there too. Interesting people to chat with.
Are you and the wife being deployed to another duty station after September?
Fantastic photos, Mark! I love it. :D
LOVE the visual tour and I get such a kick out of how kids know when they've reached the "Im done" point, and can take a nap just about anywhere!
erm, cough, I'm sure the correct spelling is Otearoa anyway ;)
am i jealous???? no! ok, i'm a liar too now...
A friend of mine just visited Hawaii...and had a miserable time. Seems she got caught up in all the expensive tourist traps. Told her next time she goes, she will have to check out your blog and get real island tips!
Mark, those are some wonderful pictures. Pretty and tranquil and the places do look fitting for family outings.
The ride reminds my long haul to Key West. MILES AND MILES of bridges and waterfront scenery, Simply gorgeous.
Would LOVE to get there some day....
Loved to see the boys in action. You had super time at a great place. Lovely. Made me want to pack a bag and grab a plane.
I want to go to Hawaii. And I want to live off of that road.
Actually I'll just take a hut on the beach :)
Those pics speak of the rollicking good times had by all.
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