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Monday, July 8, 2013

Cyber ROAD TRIP, anyone? (No, Gary, it's *not* a Bloghop)


Rhode Island Tree 2011

This past Wednesday, Melissa Maygrove shared on her blog here a general gripe about life for her edition of Insecure Writers Support Group.

The reason for *this* post comes from a comment by Julie Luek who said, Melissa, you crack me up. Maybe we need to get a bunch of mid-life women writers together for a road trip. Good heavens, yes, sometimes -- most times-- it's not about the insecurities as much as the grumpies!”

Melissa then responded with, Yes! That's what we need to do! Road trip! Road trip! Road trip! :D”

This *CRACKED* me up – especially when Morgan Shamy said she was up for a travel adventure, too.
So, for a bit of fun, I thought I would arrange a Cyber Road Trip - but I sooo call shotgun :)

Stella and Artois, my two Virtual Winnebagos are loaded for bear and we’ll start our journey in San Diego, Calif.
(I would start from Honolulu, but the Winnies would sink like a Belgian brewery.)
Hawaiian Tree 2013

I've removed all the beds and replaced them with couches, which means there’s room in the RVs for everyone! Bring your tunes, laptops; writing pads, snacks and a beverage of choice (I’ve heard there may be some of Jezebel’s punch :)

The only rules are:
·         I’ll start and then each subsequent commenter drives the RV to the following stop.
·         So, first review the comment directly above you. Open Google Maps (or equivalent), discover where the RVs stopped. That’s your starting point.
·         You can’t travel more than 250 +/- miles a comment :)
·         You have to point out SOMETHING, (anything) on your leg of the journey.
·         The RVs can’t backtrack or visit the same town/city twice.
Rhode Island Sunset 2011

That’s it!

·         Can we make it to Morgan and DPK in Utah?
·         Visit Julie high up in Colorado?
·         See a Cubs game with Michael in Chicago?
·         Grab some BBQ with Melissa in Texas?
·         Snag an arc of CASSASTORM with Alex in the Carolinas?
·         Go to EPCOT with Mark Means in Florida?
So…. Where are we going – and how creative can we make this?

Hawaiian Sunset 2012


Mark Koopmans said...


Quick Watson, the game is afoot!

I drove 217 miles from the center of San Diego to Blythe, Calif., which is close to the CA/AZ border.

Not much to see here, but it is close to the Colorado River and there is a municipal Golf Course.

I played a round of golf with Alex, but after four of his Borgs scored four hole-in-ones, I gave up and relaxed in the Nineteenth Hole instead:)

Who wants the keys?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Need to take those clones on a PGA Tour...
250 miles? Cool, I can get use to Phoenix. (Could go as far as Tucson, but we'll stop in Phoenix.) We can hit the zoo, visit a couple museums, and then catch a Diamondbacks game. I'm calling end row seat!
And that was about 150 miles.

Mark Means said...

I'll grab the wheel and steer us a bit north of Phoenix...229 miles up to Grand Canyon Village. There we can check out the wonder and majesty of The Grand Canyon, itself.

I'm not riding a donkey down, though! :)

Unknown said...

My turn. Dang this thing is huge and where is my coffee? OK let's get going because we're going to drive 231 miles to the Four Corners Monument, officially in Teec Nos Pos, Utah. But if you stand on the metal marker at the monument or walk around it, you can walk into four states at one time: Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah.

The area is rich with the history of the Indians and the rather shameful reminder of what people are capable when greed is involved. The area is desolate and no where to live, and yet that's exactly what the American government so graciously offered the exiled Indians.

Let's walk around, look at some amazing hand-crafted turquoise jewelry and artisan works for sale. Mmmmm and I suggest a little Indian Fry Bread with honey to go with the coffee.

Mark-- you crack me up. This was such a fun idea! ROAD TRIP!!

Melissa said...

Are we there yet?

Kidding. I can't believe you wrote and entire post about my post! LOL But I LOVE it. :D

I'm grabbing the wheel and steering us Toward Phoenix, AZ. 229 miles and we can visit the Gila river, which makes an appearance in my current WIP. If we try, maybe we can find the cave where the hot spring scene takes place. Rowr. :P

Melissa said...

Oops. Looks like Julie split up the RVs. What do we do now? 0_0

Unknown said...

No no-- no splitting-- just took us north to the four corners. Nevermind, we can go back down to Phoenix and go for an early morning swim while we're there.

David P. King said...

So we're in Phoenix now? *checks the map* I'll assume so! :)

To prevent backtracking, I say we head towards Rosewell New Mexico. I know it's 500 miles east, but I'm just enjoying the desert scene, and maybe we can stop for lunch in Tucson before we cross the border. :)

Al Diaz said...

The dragon gets in and turns one RV' into the Flintstones car as he would have to rip off the roof in order to fit. Since I'm a stranger in strange land, I'll be the one who endlessly asks "Are we there yet?" and provide the fried snacks.

Sheena-kay Graham said...

Sorry I'm at the library but I'll follow Suzanne's lead and check out a Canadian Book Store and of course any food place that sells chicken and rice.

Mark Koopmans said...

After a delicious, cheap meal of Carne Asada Fries and Carne Asada Nachos (not healthy, but *heaven* on a plate:) I'm buy two new GPS systems and our little caravan that can heads back to Roswell, NM.

Once there, I drive downtown, past the Wal-Mart that *used* to have an alien spaceship that had *crashed* into exterior of the building (so cool:) and continue 178 miles north to Las Vegas, New Mexico.

Parking *Stella* and *Artois*, I look around as everyone gets off the RVs with tickets in hand for Barry Manilow, Celine Dion and Cirque.

Oh, oh...

Before I can get into trouble, I throw the keys to...

cleemckenzie said...


I'm heading north to beautiful Santa Fe for a Margarita and some O'Keefe light. We be travelin' 194 miles, so let's gas up and go.

S.P. Bowers said...

Well, I want out of these deserts, I'm heading for the mountains. We're turning north and going to Colorado Springs. (it's 300 miles, shhh, don't tell Mark. He'll take the keys away) We can head over to Manitou Springs, Cave of the winds and Pikes Peak. Ahhh, breath that mountain air!

klahanie said...

Okay, I'm taking over the wheel. Oops, steering wheel's on the opposite side and remember to drive on the right side of the road, Gary! A very good idea....

I'm heading from Pikes Peak, Colorado to Boulder, Colorado. I want to go there, because Boulder, rocks!

The Words Crafter said...

Sweet! Hang on, everybody, cause it's time to let loose! From Boulder, we're heading to Glenwood Springs! We can visit the caverns, enjoy some rides and watch some shows! And yay for getting us out of the heat!

Mark, this is fun!

JJ said...

This is the most creative idea I have seen since I started blogging years ago. I hope I can make the trip.

Morgan said...

Aaaaaahhhhh!!! ROADTRIP!!!!!!

I only want to go back to my favorite place on earth... can we stop in Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia??? Hubby and I *almost* went there this next week, but alas... maybe next year... will have to settle for the imaginary trip here...

How's PAWS coming along? ;-)


Elise Fallson said...

Ummm...does this thing have wings?

Melissa said...

LOL- Good one, Elise.

Maybe there's a transporter around. Beam us up, Scottie! :D

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