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Friday, April 26, 2013

I'm 44 (in the recent past:) A Picture Essay...


OK, so it's just gone 12:27 a.m. HST, and I'm late with my post, but it's OK, 'cos it's my birthday.

(Leans back, makes multiple butter-churning motions with both hands.)

Originally, I wasn't going to do a birthday post, because, well, 44 isn't very wow, is it?

Plus, I haven't felt much writerly wow-ness flowing lately from my middle-aged, wrinkled fingers...
Did I really let my CPs read that chapter?

But wait!

I received a wonderful shout out Thursday when Alex "no-hyperlink-needed" Caughtanut gave me a Vonderful shoutout.

Those familiar with my meanderings will know that, in general, offering up writing-based positive feedback makes me uncomfortable, and I am a rare one to bang on my own bodhrán.

Hmm, I can probably rework that last scene, let me think...

But, I was blown away by the amount of people who took the time to mention me in the comments following Alex's "V" post.

I mean, seriously.

I *was* having a really bad week with edits (my whole reason for going dark this month) and everything felt as flat as a squished pancake some road-maker drove over with one of those big rolling-pin machine thingies. (See what I mean :)

And, then YOU all picked me up - and you didn't even know I'd fallen.

Ya gotta love this community - and I do :)

Alex, I will be forever grateful, and to those who commented: Thank you sooo much.

Shoot man, 44 rocks, and this is one birthday I will never forget.

Yes, Mr. Pulitzer-Pacifier, I did write that. No, no, one will be enough.

 PS... A few people asked if I could show a full-frontal of SIGGY, so here you go :)

They say it's the end of the Rainbow... no wonder it's hard to find!


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday! Yes, 44 rocks as do all birthdays! Love your model.

S.P. Bowers said...

Happy birthday! You're the best!

Dani said...

Happy Birthday Mark! Cute pictures! Hope your day goes well and those edits too. Sending some good writerly vibes your way.

Suzi said...

44 huh, wow. That's old. I'm only 38, you know... a child. :)

I was one of those lucky ones whose friends always are a bit older. Cause I had a summer birthday, so I always get to tease them about how old they are. Forget that I'm only 6-8 months behind them. Gotta take it when you can. :)

Happy Birthday!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Happy birthday, Mark! Glad everyone was able to pick you up.
It's just an age. No one says you have to act it, right?

Suzanne Furness said...

Hey Happy Birthday, Mark. Here's to the next 44. Glad you had an awesome birthday surprise too :)

baygirl32 said...

Happy 44th! Here's to at least 44 more :)

Donna K. Weaver said...

Happy Birthday! And, yeah, isn't this writing community and amazing thing.

But don't even talk to me about your old and wrinkled fingers, dude. I agree with Indiana Jones--it's not the years, it's the mileage. In my book, it's all a state of mind. Anyone who reads your blog knows you're not old. A birthday on a Friday. It is time to par-tay!

Brinda said...

Mark- Happy birthday. Forty-four rocks. Really. :)

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Mark! You are now officially old enough to be my younger brother. But I'm still smarter. Okay, shorter.

Still want to share that beer with you from SCWC!

Al Diaz said...

Feliz Cumpleaños a ti, Feliz Cumpleaños a ti, Feliz Cumpleaños querido Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaark, y que la pases muy bien! :D

M.J. Fifield said...

Happy Birthday, Mark!!

Love the pictures and the captions underneath.

Don't let the edits get you down!!

Rena said...

Happy Birthday! And yes, this community rocks!

Fairview said...

Happy birthday!

Sheena-kay Graham said...

Happy Birthday! See, that is why we all must comment, we lifted you up without even realizing it. *Grins*

cleemckenzie said...

Here's to a great birthday! If you keep those fingers typing it helps with flexibility. That's another motivation for writing after 40!

Rachna Chhabria said...
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Rachna Chhabria said...

Happy Birthday Mark. 44 is a wonderful number, so stop worrying. As they say, age is mind over matter, if you don't mind, it doesn't matter.

Deniz Bevan said...

Happy birthday!

Morgan said...

Haha! I love all the pictures! And I'm still laughing at all the SIGGY stuff... Hope your day is wonderful. I know birthdays don't really seem like birthdays in the chaos, but all us blogosphere-ers are celebrating :-)

Melissa said...

Happy Birthday!
You're younger than I, so be glad. :P

Full frontal? At least it wasn't the full monty. LOL

Tony Laplume said...

Glad we could help make your week. :)

Michael Di Gesu said...


HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All the best and all that!

SO cool.

Mine's on Monday and I play to be a BIG KID at Disney!!!!''You've still got LOTS of years ahead to worry about edits... LOL

Irishredfox said...

Happy Birthday. I never been a fan of the conventional milestone birthdays because they make little sense. 44 is a good number. Double numbers always look impressive, and 4(the "tetrad") was important number in ancient Greek, so 44 must be powerful. Make the best of your year.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great one!

Miranda Hardy said...

Happy Birthday Mark! Hope it's fabulous!

Nicki Elson said...

I just love happy surprises like that - glad you got to see how much you're appreciated. :)

Also, Michael D. informed me that it's your birthday, because guess what - it's MY birthday too! Today! Although, we can't quite claim twinnage because I've got two years on ya. Enjoy what's left of our birthday and enjoy 44...ah yes, a very good year.

Misha Gerrick said...

A belated happy birthday to you! Glad to hear you had a great day. :-)

Meradeth Houston said...

Happy Birthday!! Glad to hear you were given such an awesome shout-out. This writing community really is the best :)

Elizabeth Seckman said...

Love ya like a brother ;)

(I'll be 44 in August- get cyber mom to explain that one!)

JJ said...

I would gladly take 44. Happy Birthday and many, many more!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Mark .. happy birthday - but more importantly lots of happiness and joy in the years ahead with your book and your wife and those little ones ...

Cheers Hilary

Carrie Butler said...

Happy belated Birthday, Madman! :)

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

I know that feeling while doing edits...
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!

Gina Gao said...

Happy belated birthday!


Samantha May said...

Sorry this is late! I hope you had a great birthday.

Didn't anyone tell you? 44 is the new 25 :D

Mary Aalgaard said...

Happy Birthday. The number four is a lucky one, and now you have two! Enjoy all your writing adventures and the ones with those little guys. They do grow up fast, really, they do.

Tammy Theriault said...

baby photos!!! cuteness!!! happy 22nd birthday. what? i see the glass as half full so...there ya go!!

dolorah said...

Spoil-sport - I want the full Siggy. LOL.

Hey, happy birthday!

Dude, you're awesome. I took a blogger break in April, so I'm like, totally behind in the news. Just saying I luv ya bro, thanks for remembering me Irish roots!

I'll hoist a glass to ya and hope ya knows I respect ya as a writer, and person. Keep on collecting the green thoughts; the world needs more like ya.


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