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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Fraction of Stone by Kelley Lynn (New Release)


Just taking a hiatus from my hiatus (I'm officially "dark" until May to finish edits) to share the wonderful news about a fellow blogger!

In case you've been living under a nearly broken rock, there is a great new book, FRACTION OF STONE, which was released last week by Kelley Lynn :)

Take 'er away, Kelley (and sincere congrats :)

Fraction of Stone by Kelley Lynn

Release Date: March 21, 2013 by Sapphire Star Publishing

Genre: YA Fantasy

Author Links: Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads


Book Description:

Wind tunnels, torrential rains and earthquakes tear apart Casden. The cause of the world’s imbalance is unknown, but the mounting occurrences suggest there’s little time before life ceases to exist.

Rydan Gale and Akara Nazreth are the only humans with the ability to wield magic. The tattoo on their necks and the discovery of an ancient book, dictate they are the key to the world’s survival.

But the greatest obstacle for saving mankind isn’t the bizarre creatures, extreme betrayals and magic-fearing men hunting them.

It’s that Akara doesn’t believe the world is worth saving. 

About the Author:

Eventually the day came when the voices in Kelley Lynn’s head were more insistent then her engineering professor’s. So instead of turning to her Thermodynamics book, Kelley brought up a blank page on her computer screen and wrote. Somewhere along the way she became a Young Adult author.

Kelley was born and raised a Midwestern girl. She’s not afraid to sweat and fills her free time with softball, soccer and volleyball. (Though you probably don’t want her on your volleyball team.) She occasionally makes guest appearances as a female vocalist for area bands.

You can find Kelley hanging out at her blog, titled in her name, as well as the group blog she shares with her fellow critique partners, Falling for Fiction. Kelley is a member of the Society of Children’s Books Writers and Illustrators.

Kelley Lynn's Links: Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Anonymous said...

"Fraction fo stone" nice post

Melissa said...

Congratulations, Kelley!

Hi, Mark. *waves before you disappear into your hidey-hole again*

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Congratulations, Kelley!

Al Diaz said...

Best of lucks to Kelley and her book!

Meradeth Houston said...

Congrats, Kelly! Sounds like an awesome read!

Good luck on edits, Mark!

mshatch said...

Interesting premise! Congratulations to Kelley :)

Elise Fallson said...

Congrats Kelley! I see big things happening for you this year! :D

Kelley Lynn said...

Thanks so much for helping me out Mark! I really appreciate you taking a hiatus from your hiatus.

Good luck with edits!

Sheena-kay Graham said...

Congrats Kelley and may your down time produce lots of progress Mark.

Morgan said...

Go Kelley! I bought my copy! So proud of her!


Elizabeth Seckman said...

I still need to order my copy, but it will get done!

Nicole said...

So excited for Kelley! Huge congrats.

Gina Gao said...

I'm so excited to read this book!


Unknown said...

Very cool that you took a break from your break to congratulate Kelley and help promote her book!

I'm BACK from my break and on a new blog that I'm running with my CP. Hope to see you over there when you begin blogging again.

Tammy Theriault said...

don't leave us for darkness!!! this is definitely on my list!

Misha Gerrick said...

Congrats Kelley!

Best of luck with the edits, Mark.

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