Ok, I never do this, but this is a *real* Irish news report from RTE News.
I've never cried so much in under a minute and my (un-urinated) hat goes off to Ms. McCarthy (below), who is an absolute trooper for not breaking down in complete laughter as she read her copy.
While most will enjoy this for the simple humor, you will cry (if not pee) with laughter if are Irish or understand the slang language.
This, my friends, (and Lord Jesus) *is* the FUNNIEST one minute video I have ever seen...
Oh my God! That really went out on the news? That lady deserves a medal, I'd never have got through that lmao!
She was a real trooper, getting through that copy, but I could see the grin waiting to burst out!
Yeah, you could tell she was on the edge. Thanks for the laugh!
I don't know how she did that without cracking up. She needs an academy award for that.
I think I have to move there if that's the hot news that place is used to getting. Sounds like a peaceful place.
Darn. Irish accent is just way too much for my Spanish ear. I'll have to train it.
Yeah. I never would've been able to do that without laughing hysterically.
This is real? How in the heck did she keep a straight face? Worth sharing, for sure Mark.
She did a very good job of holding it in! :)
And when the camera cut you know she spent five minutes laughing and trying to recover her composure!!
"The case continues..." Haha - hilarious.
She is a pro!!! Glad I watched...I was thinking it was intervention time because Mark was unrinating in his hat. Whew. Glad we cleared that up!
That must have taken her more than one take to get through reading her copy without laughing. So funny. :D
OMIGOSH...how she read all that with a semi-straight face, I'll never know!!!
Only in real life!
Get that woman a movie role for her performance.
LOL. Okay - I probably don't get half the slang, but that is hilarious!!!! I'd pee just trying to get through that report. hahahaha
*shakes head*
You and your Irish humor... (Okay, okay... I'm laughing...)
P.S. Do you still have your accent???? If so, that's SO COOL!!!!!
It's good to know if I say "shite" it's okay to swear on TV.
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