Nutschell hosts an ongoing Wednesday Writer’s Workspace, and was generous to allow me to join her today!
Please check it out, if only to meet Nutschell, because she is so
awesome, she owns several Awesome Sauce franchises J
What? We could make this an annual event...
(I needed a great pick-me-up ‘cos we had a crappy travel day Monday to where, in my dumbness, I left a Sony Tablet in a Delta airplane, however, me, the wife and all three kids reached our destination safely – and that’s the main thing :)
Trust me, your comments and rush to sign up to show a little love to Alex totally brightened my day, so cheers and see you Dec. 10
By the way, Julie Luek has a GREAT idea for spreading the Christmas giving-back-to-Alex season.
Her recent post explains how easy it would be to help put books in the hands of some needy kids.
Read how Writer's Give Back here.
And now, back to my "workspace…" we have three sons under six, so….well click here and I’ll let Nutschell share the rest… J
OH...so sorry about the Sony tablet. :(
Just came from Nutschell's!
Annual event? Dear Lord, no...
No, not the tablet! The horror...
Can't wait to read the interview. Happy Thanksgiving!
I'm off to check out your interview, Mark!
Have a great Thanksgiving.
Great interview Mark! (It wouldn't let me comment over there.) I like your advice at the end. :) And your WIP sounds really interesting! I'd love to learn more about it. :)
Just finished the great article over at Nutschell's. Sounds like you're a busy man.
Happy T'giving! I spent that holiday in HI one year...beautiful.
So sorry about the Sony tablet, but glad that AlexFest is taking off! And I'll be an nuschell in a minute.
Hi Mark .. I read Nutschell's post - always good to see you and the kids ..
That Sony tablet is a pain isn't it .. but at least you, the kids and your wife aren't lost!!
Alex blogfest ... up to 400 - crumbs!!! Ok .. I'll blame Morgan!!
Cheers and Happy Thanksgiving .. Hilary
I'm looking forward to the AlexFest! It will be so much fun!
Sorry about the tablet and emailing you on that day! Darn, those inconveniences!
Have a great Thanksgiving, Mark! :)
Can't wait to check out your work space.
I'm still sick about the tablet! So horrible, Mark :/
But I am stoked to go hop on over to Nut...
bummer dude..(((
Thank you for your comment. And thank you for the blog fest idea. I think it is wonderful. Alex has been helping me a lot lately, and it will be nice to say thank you.
It was a great interview. Surprised to see that an interview about a person's workspace was actually interesting! I love your final quote. I would be amongst those masses. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
It was a great interview and there's nothing ridiculous about your workspace :)
Are you related to that nut? There's an uncanny resemblance! :D
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