It was also a stress-releaser discovering
the Blogisfear didn’t implode because I hadn’t posted for a dozen days.
No One Wants To Follow Me... |
Leaving out Blogger, ‘cos you’re here, I will gently review
some of the many ways to brand yourself, and share my unscientific,
non-technical knowledge of each.
(I will, however, exclude the obvious way of
branding that necessitates the involvement of an authentic cowboy, a blowtorch,
hot irons and a set of tongs.)
Imagine joining a happy party, filled with different people.
Everyone is atwitter and the conversations are fast, flowing – perhaps even
somewhat hard to follow.
Then, you spot a friend and follow her to a group you both
know. Heading there, you both share a highlight of each other’s day – that’s tweeting.
Later, you hear a snatch of interesting conversation and
decide to share it with other friends – that’s
a Retweet or “RT” if you’re running short of your 140 character max.
Say another friend invites you to tag along during an
ongoing conversation in the kitchen – that’s
the hash tag (#) in action.
What is Facebook?
I’m not even linking this. I know it’s
on your favorites list J
What is LinkedIn?
“OK, OK, OK,” he said, arms in the
air – in a voice reminiscent of Leo Getz.
This was the first Social Media site I joined – even before
When I signed up, I was excited! LinkedIn was the bee’s
knees – and it probably still is, for many.
It’s a fantastic way to network, but LinkedIn has lost much
of its initial buzz as I’ve embraced Blogger and Twitter.
Perhaps I will use/need it in the
future, but for now, I’ve found I can do all my networking via my blog
(comments and follows) and Twitter (via Tweets and follows.)
What is Pinterest?
Honestly, I didn’t know much about this platform – but I do
now!!! Read this post (and others) from August McLaughlin, who is my now my official Pinterest Heroine.
I had no idea, but
several people had invited me to join, so for the sake of taking one for the
team, I signed up while writing this… hang on for a moment…
(Thanks to the Power of The
Internets, we iZoom you ten minutes into the future…)
Google+ looks like a mix between FB, Twitter and Blogger (all the peeps I was recommended to connect
with are folks I follow in Blogger…)
Therefore, it seems a little redundant to me… but we’ll see
if there’s room for Like-able friends and followers in my circle…Will the circle expand if more +’ers join?
What if it doesn’t?
How are we going to move about…?
Although, if the size of the profile pic on the homepage is anything to go by…we should be OK.
One final thought…
A Letter Written by the Former Private Ryan |
Another reason for this topic is because I received a typewritten letter the other day.
Written by U.S. Army CSM (ret.) William “Bill” Ryan, a WWII
Veteran of D-Day I once featured in a Florida newspaper, Bill’s letter made my week
for many reasons, including the fact that the last typewritten letter I received was
about thirty-five years ago from my Dutch Oma.
And think about it... Using an old typewriter to write a letter to a friend or
colleague… now that’s social media!
To answer the begged questions: I’m not deluding myself by being
out there in the Blogisfear, but I’ll concentrate (and not dilute myself) with Blogger and Twitter - for now :)
What say you? Are you Tweeting? I’m @markjkoopmans
Hey, when I'm 86, I hope I have half of Bill's Joie de Vivre :) |
Where does he still find ink?
And I must be the only one on the planet without a Facebook account. (Goes well with my 'only one on the planet without a cell phone,')
Hey Alex,
Florida is known as the home to the Snowbirds, so I'm sure Bill has some ink contacts:)
FINALLY!!! The secret on how you have the time to be the Ninja Captain... no FB and no cell... what a concept :)~
Haha--I don't do facebook either. I have an author page but I'm terrible about posting there, or whatever I'm supposed to do. And I don't have a personal account. I love Twitter, though. I'm like you--for now, I'm just doing the blog and Twitter. The idea of more than that makes me want to flee back to the era of the typewriter!
I'm not an avid tweeter, but I've been using it more lately.
I love Twitter and on G+ I have a huge following but it seems to be the place where I'm stalked by men from the middle east holding up guns in their profile pics so I tend not to hang out there a lot!
I'm a FB junkie, and I use Twitter to stalk people. :)
Nice post on social media, Mark! :) I'm off to stalk... er, find you on Google+.
I love FB and pinterest. My tweeting goes in spurts. As for the rest of it... I don't care. Already have enough of my plate for now. :)
I play around with Facebook, I dabble in Twitter and Pinterest, and I have a Linked IN account, but most of my time and effort is in my blog. My first and foremost! :)
Your Pinterest Heroine! Garsh! I'm touched. Thanks so much for the warm shout out.
Sounds like you have a very well-rounded social media lifestyle going on. I think it's important to find what works best for us, and explore popular platforms so that we know whether they do or not. ;) Off to find you in Twitter-land!
I love how you describe twitter! I have many accounts after doing the platform building challenge, but I use my blog, facebook, and twitter most. I love pinterest, but only go on when I know I have some time to spare. I'm very visual and love looking at all the pictures!
I try soooo hard to be a twit. You'd think being a blond, it'd come natural! I have such a hard tiume following anything on Twitter...but I will go follow you!
Yeah, I've actually trimmed down on social media sites. They can definitely be a time suck:)
I'm on twitter but still don't get it. People say the damnedest things on it. And I never know what to tweet about...I guess I'm more of a RTer than a tweeter...And hash marks? Surly you meant hash browns....:P I like G+ but not a lot of people use it... Thanks for the breakdown!
Hey Mark. I thought I was following you, but it turns out I wasn't, and now I am. Hello!
Great topic. The funny thing is that I joined LinkedIn after FB and Twitter. I'm finding there is a more loyal following on LInkedIn. Strange, right?
I'm on LinkedIn but haven't really used it yet, I keep meaning to work on it more. Google+ totally confuses me and makes me feel like a complete moron LOL.
I thought I was already following you on Twitter but saw I wasn't. Glad to rectify that now.
LOVE the typewritten letter, that's awesome. :)
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