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Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Easter Egg

The Easter Egg?


I know I'm not posting except for Wednesdays... but this is simply a picture, a greeting and a wish:)

Happy Easter (or Passover.)

And from No. 3 Son and the rest of my family: Only the best wishes for a happy, safe and fun-filled family day to you and yours :)


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

He does look like an egg!
Have a Blessed Easter, Mark.

Huntress said...

Hm. A little blue coloring, a few squiggle zig-zag marks, and there you go.

Or is it a 'Kilroy was Here' photo. *must consider deeply*

Write Life said...

Little Easter egg that watches. Just look at those eyes!
He's gorgeous. Have a lovely time!

Rachel Schieffelbein said...

Oh my gosh, that is so stinkin' cute! Happy Easter!

Sarah Tokeley said...

Oh my goodness. He nearly makes me want another one :-)

Happy Easter to you and yours.

Jaycee DeLorenzo said...

OMG, too cute! He does look a bit like these egg cakes my cousin's bakery used to make, with baby heads popping out. Either way, what a cutie!

Beth said...

Too Cute!! Blessings 2 U!!

Shell Flower said...

Cutest Easter Egg I've seen all day. What a sweetie-pie. Did the Easter Bunny drop that guy off in a basket for you today?

Lara Schiffbauer said...

How cute your little guy is! Such beautiful eyes! A very Happy Easter to you and yours, as well! :)

Cynthia said...

Your son has such lovely eyes. Happy Easter to you and your family!

Leigh Covington said...

I LOVE IT! That is absolutely adorable! Happy Easter or Passover! Hope your weekend has been wonderful!

Anonymous said...

LOL Cute, Mark! :)

Kelley Lynn said...

So cute! Happy Easter!

Margo Kelly said...

Such an adorable picture! :)

Think Positive, Be Positive said...

Hi...I'm hopping over from the A to Z challenge. Lovely post...good luck with the challenge.

Donna L Martin

August McLaughlin said...

What an adorable egg-baby! That photo would make for gorgeous holiday cards. ;) Hope you had a wonderful weekend, Mark!

Morgan said...

Beyond precious. You and your lovely make beeeeautiful babies :D Time for number 4??? ;)

Julie Flanders said...

Oh my gosh, what an adorable picture! I hope you and your family had a wonderful Easter. :)

Nicole said...

Same to you! Adorable photo.

Mary Aalgaard said...

He does look like an Easter egg. Chuckling. Thanks for the happy photo!

Play off the Page

Elizabeth Seckman said...

What a cutie!!!!

Jo Schaffer Layton said...

Cutest thing ever. (=

Hope Roberson said...

Cutest Easter egg ever!

Stina said...

That's the cutest Easter Egg I've seen. :)

Scarlett said...

(WARNING! Filters have been removed)

*whispers* I want to eat him.

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