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Friday, December 23, 2011

You Know You're A Parent When... (#3.1)


This one's easy....

You Know You're A Parent when...

It's two days before Christmas and it's 1:41 p.m. and all the wonderful plans you've made are still that, just plans!!!

Arrgh, therefore I am jumping on the "taking a break" bus and will be off until the first Monday of the New Year, when I will once again, hopefully,
no self-doubt, no self-doubt
blaze a path of humor and fun on the blogosphere of life, love and the pursuit of two little toddlers....

Ohh, wait.... No.3 Son will be born soon... so watch this space for updates!!

(I'm on Twitter: #markjkoopmans and will be tweeting normal stuff like.... "Help! Help! What do I do now....oh my gosh, that's so stinky..."

Waikiki Beach -
 Dec. 27, 2011
For now, my family and I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas (or Hanukkah) and I wish us all a successful New Year in life and writing.

Let's "delve into '12" and get 'er done!


Sarah Tokeley said...

Merry Christmas Mark to you and your family. May everything go smoothly and without a hitch :-)

Mark Koopmans said...

Thanks Sarah:) I'll keep everyone in the loop as much as I can... it's going to be an interesting few weeks:)

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

Merry Christmas. Oh what I wouldn't give for a few weeks in paradise...

Jo Schaffer Layton said...

Merry Christmas! Congrats on boy #3-- I have 3 boys myself. So fun! (=

K.T. Hanna said...

Hope you had a fantastic Christmas hon. Get ready to start 2012 with a bang!

Unknown said...

its great.

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