Along with Elise
Fallson (who did a Must-See VIDEO!) and C.M.
Brown, I’m co-hosting Stephen Tremp’s Re-introduce Myself BlogFest, so here is me in 100 words –
excluding this monologolistical nightmare of an intro.
(While not one of the Usual Suspects,
some have, yes indeed, called me Kaiser Sourdough,
but I, however, prefer to be known as Verbal [Diarrhea] Kint, which means squeezing me into a dress made of 100 words should make for an interesting experiment…)
Who am I?
Originally from Ireland, I’ve moved 50+ times.
I’m 43.
I’m not in the Witness Protection Program.
I’ve blogged for 18 months.
I worked in the Restaurant Industry for 15 years.I’ve been a U.S. citizen and a writer for 10 years.
I’m happily married 9 years this week. J
We’ve been blessed with 3 boys.
I’ve finished 1 book.
What’s my blog theme?
It’s a moving, blob, er, blog that I hope adds a wee spice of humor
to the odd-shaped days of the week.
Really?No, dude, I have no idea. Something hits me and I then strive to write something positive. (They said to build a platform, but hang on a minute, I’m still trying to find the train station.)
So, instead of 100 words, you're offering a 121-word
snippet of you being me.
Huh? Excuse me… I don’t recall inviting you to this monologue. Shall I change it to a bi-logue?
You didn’t, but if you did, it would be-
Because I'm a Fail, yes. But, I’m just trying my best, you know, IWSG is only once a
month, and it’s hard. There's 29 other days in the month... sometimes 30!!!I know, but don’t cry for me Puerto Rico… 121 words is a nice number… it’s more than 100, but it kinda rolls off your tongue.
No it doesn't... You’re just saying that and I don't live in PR, I live in HI.
WARNING: This is *not* Providence, RI. |
Both islands, what's the difference? They're both warm...
Really? Tell that to the folks in Rhode Island...
Dude, focus. I'm just trying to get you out of the 13-galloon trash can you keep falling into.
Don't say that... We all slighty like you… look, watch for the comments from your parents… you’ll see…
You think people will say nice things even though I busted through the 100-word max?
No. but at least you’re out of the trashcan. (Have you ever thought of recycling?)
And stop fishing....